Business law

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing indoor and outdoor heat disease rules by reviewing small businesses


With temperatures rising in many areas of the country, OSHA is continuing to move forward in creating a standard for heat illness for both indoor and outdoor employers.

Occupational Safety and Health has notified the Small Business Administration Advocacy Office that it intends to convene a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) panel to review how the potential standard for heat injury and illness prevention in outdoor and indoor workplaces affects workplaces. be seen Unified organizational agenda for the Department of Occupational Safety and Health. The committee will submit its final report to the agency within 60 days from the date of the committee meeting.

Topics to be considered by the SBAR panel will include potential options for the following:

  • A programmatic approach to the prevention of heat-related injuries and illnesses;
  • potential criterion range;
  • identifying and assessing heat hazards;
  • Measures to prevent and control heat hazards;
  • medical treatment and response procedures for heat-related emergencies;
  • worker training; And
  • Record keeping.

OSHA is taking these steps after the standard began with the publication of the Advance Notice to Develop Proposed Rules for the Prevention of Heat Injury and Illness in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings in the Federal Register in October 2021.

In the midst of the rule-making process, Occupational Safety and Health launched a Heat Illness Prevention Campaign, with the agency aggressively developing and implementing heat-related hazard initiatives. In April 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration began National Focus Program (NEP) where the agency creates random inspection lists and conducts inspections of internal and external employers on those lists without notice. New Economic Policy allegedly to target 70 “high risk” sectors, including manufacturing, wholesalers, auto repair, retail, bakeries, sawmills, landscaping and construction. OSHA district offices monitor heat warnings or warnings issued by the National Weather Service for the local area and target employers for heat checks on those days.

During the OSHA Alert, the OSHA advises employers to follow safety practices, such as providing cold drinking water, taking frequent breaks in shaded or cool areas, and providing training on the hazards of heat exposure. the Thermal safety tool application The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) aims to assist employers when planning Outdoor work activities.

As part of a heat illness prevention program, employers should have a heat illness prevention plan that aims to:

  • Make sure that new workers or those returning from a break in work or vacation are acclimatized, gradually working up to a full work day in hot weather.
  • Monitor the ambient temperature and levels of work effort at the work site, and classify physical exertion levels into low, medium and heavy.
  • Provide access to cold water for hydration and ensure that workers drink enough fluids.
  • Ensure that workers have adequate water and rest periods.
  • Provide access to shade for rest periods and air conditioning or other cooling systems if applicable.
  • Consider using a buddy system to have workers monitor each other for symptoms of heat illness.
  • Train workers to recognize the different signs and stages of heat illness, how to report signs and symptoms, when first aid is required, and when and how to contact emergency personnel.

To learn more, or if you need compliance assistance with regard to heat injury and disease prevention, or advocating for an OSHA inspection or citation, please contact a member of the Workplace Safety and Health Practice Group or a Jackson Lewis attorney with whom you work regularly. .


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