
Divorce attorney Juan Luciano reveals a comprehensive guide to New York divorce laws


press release

Posted August 24, 2023

Divorce lawyer Juan Luciano recently published a comprehensive guide on New York’s divorce laws. The article provides an in-depth understanding of both contested and uncontested divorce cases, offering invaluable insights into the complex world of divorce law.

In the first section of his guide, Luciano, an experienced divorce attorney, emphasizes the emotional challenges faced during the divorce process and stresses the importance of making objective decisions to protect one’s future. “The decision to end a marriage is never an easy decision,” says Luciano. “Family law and divorce cases in New York are very fraught and have an emotional impact on everyone involved, no matter how amicable they are.” He assures his clients that they do not have to face this process alone, pledging his full commitment to support them through this difficult time.

Luciano, a well-known New York City divorce attorney with a proven track record of successful results, further explains the difference between contested and uncontested divorces in New York. He believes that understanding these two types of divorce cases can help individuals make more informed decisions about their case. Not all New York City divorces need to be controversial, notes Luciano. It also highlights that even when an uncontested divorce begins amicably, circumstances can change, and it is essential to have a competent divorce attorney to handle potential disputes.

“Moreover, in an effort to avoid court, some couples may opt for mediation or a collaborative divorce. Both options can be a more peaceful and cost-effective way to reach settlement agreements,” notes Luciano.

With regard to contested divorces, Luciano stresses the importance of having an experienced divorce attorney provide legal representation. This is when obtaining experienced legal representation is critical. As an experienced New York City divorce attorney, I am accountable to you, the client. We are experienced in difficult divorce cases and may be able to help you through the complex New York divorce laws, he declares.

With his evidence, Luciano also sheds light on the complex issue of division of property during divorce proceedings. It explains the concept of “equitable division” in New York law, which entails an equitable distribution of marital assets and debts based on factors such as the earning potential of both spouses and the needs of the custodial parent. He stresses the importance of speaking to an experienced divorce attorney to understand one’s rights and responsibilities regarding the division of property.

Luciano concludes his guide by reassuring his clients of his unwavering support. “You don’t have to do it alone. You’ll get through this, and I’m here to help.” He also adds, “For those who are looking for legal advice on grounds for divorce, our team of experienced lawyers is ready to guide you.”

For more information about divorce laws in New York, please refer to the complete guide published by divorce attorney Juan Luciano.

About the Juan Luciano Divorce Law Firm:

Juan Luciano Divorce Lawyer is a New York-based law firm focused on providing comprehensive legal assistance to individuals going through the difficult divorce process. With a deep understanding of the emotional and legal complexities involved, the firm strives to provide empathetic and effective support to its clients. The firm’s founder, Juan Luciano, has over 15 years of experience in the field, offering a blend of legal acumen and compassionate guidance.


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Company Name: Juan Luciano divorce attorney
contact person: Juan Luciano
e-mail: Send an email
phone: (212) 537-5859
Title:347 Fifth Avenue No. 1003, New York, NY 10016
city: New York
state: New York
nation: United State
website: https://divorcelawfirmnyc.com/


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