Disctopia and Semrush release podcast hosting app to improve podcasting


Disctopia, a podcast hosting platform for independent creators, has announced a partnership with Semrush to enhance podcast episodes through its Podcast Hosting app.

This new SEO feature allows keywords to be extracted from audio transcriptions directly from the Semrush platform.

This allows freelance content creators and SEO professionals to align their podcast keywords directly with Semrush’s keyword campaigns, enabling that content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

According to a recent Jacobs Media survey, 33% of respondents listened to a podcast at least once a week in 2023 – up from 21% in 2019, which represents 12% growth over the past four years.

This makes broadcast An increasing part of many marketing strategies.

According to a study by BrightEdge, 53% of website traffic comes from organic searches. This makes SEO an essential part of any marketing strategy, including audio content.

like Podcasts continue to be an effective marketing toolBringing SEO into the mix, this alliance will help take the audio format to the next level for content creators and marketers.

Disctopia’s TruePlay AI automated transcription services allow podcasters to edit their script for accuracy to improve the accessibility of their episodes.

The platform’s new Semrush SEO feature can analyze podcast transcripts and extract keywords from the text, so content creators can implement them into their SEO campaigns directly in Semrush.

My Semrush podcastImage from Simrush, August 2023

This should help make their audio content more useful and satisfying.

The tool also defines Related keywords From the script, such as recurring topics or topics that are mentioned most frequently in the episode.

This helps creators gain insight into episode content and better understand their audience’s interests. Ultimately, this new feature increases the discoverability of podcasts online and attracts more listeners.

Podcast app will be part of Semrush App Centerwhich showcases some of the best marketing tools to thousands of SEO platform users.

Users get direct access to all podcast hosting features within the App Center without leaving the Semrush interface for a smoother experience.

Disctopia And smrush We hope this integration will allow experienced and new podcast hosts to make their content more visible, broaden their audience, and increase their chances of success.

Patrick HillFounder and CEO of Disctopia said:

“By integrating the powerful Semrush tool into our podcast transcription feature, we’ve been able to streamline the SEO optimization process. This integration allows all the essential tools needed for successful optimization to be conveniently located in one central location.

hill added,

“This integration is in line with our mission to provide independent podcasters with the tools to grow their listener base. Developed by Disctopia, Podcast Hosting is a valuable addition to the Semrush platform.

Hill concluded,

If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution to take your podcast to the next level, look no further than Semrush. This powerful tool provides everything you need to host your podcast, record your episodes, and optimize your content for maximum impact.

With advanced SEO features, you can be sure that your podcast will reach the right audience and help you achieve your marketing goals with ease.

Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, Semrush is the perfect solution for anyone looking to take their content marketing game to the next level.

I asked Hale a few follow-up questions.

Here’s what I asked (GJ), and he (PH) said:

Greg Garbo: I realize it’s still early days, but have you noticed any improvement in your organic search rankings in Google?

Patrick HillThis partnership was created to help podcasters increase the searchability online to match the keywords of their podcast directly to Semrush’s keyword campaigns. By placing keywords from your podcast and matching them to your website, it increases your The visibility of your podcast and website, along with engagement with your podcast as it appears when people search.

GJ: “Are there any tips or best practices that you can share with other SEO marketers?”

pH: “In terms of podcasts, the key advice is definitely to do keywords and copy and match keywords to articles already on your website, this will maximize results.”

I asked too Matt Bailey From SiteLogic Marketing, which has been providing SEO services for over 20 years and hosting An endless cup of coffee Podcast, for his reaction to the Disctopia and Semrush announcement.

Billy said

“It helps to have more tools in one place. As AI disrupts workflow, it adds multiple tools to develop ever-increasing amounts and types of content. Having a centralized resource will allow for better efficiency and opportunities.

Billy added,

“Accessibility has always been a critical component of SEO, so creating text is a great start. Better yet, use markup to give the page a hierarchy of content. Then, use these amazing AI tools to help you repurpose your podcasts And converting them into valuable articles that answer researchers’ questions.

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Featured image: Christian Horz/Shutterstock


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