
Publication Guide on Topics | Good2b is social


threads It is the latest social media app to gain popularity, and since its inception many law firms have joined the app. However, many are still wondering what they should post on the app and what type of content will perform best.

Post ideas for law firms on topics

1. Ask a question

The best way to build a community on Threads is to start conversations. The easiest way to start a conversation and get a response is to ask a thought-provoking question. Try to focus on your own client personas Ask yourself what challenges they face and what questions they might ask or what they would like to ask them.

2. Share the tip

Oftentimes, users go to Social media To search for law firms looking for legal advice or answers to their questions. Just as you should ask your own questions, you should also proactively answer others as well. Provide quick legal advice on topics.

3. Post a series

As with Twitter, Threads allow you to “reply” to your posts, allowing you to easily link multiple posts together. You can create a series of posts that link together so you can easily expand on topics. Just be sure to spell each post with a number. (Hint: You can also reuse blog content in this format)

4. Create charts

Themes allow a variety of image sizes and post multiple images. You can create Infographic on a single image or even create a series of images on a specific topic. Try taking advantage of a tool like Canva to design them. The maximum image width for threads is 1070 x 1424 pixels.

5. Share videos

Just like photos, you can share a variety of video sizes on Threads as well. You can even repurpose it Instagram reelsTopic sized videos. Just be sure to keep your videos informative in nature, but still casual, short, and fun in order to fit in with Threads’ audience and brand.

6. Include a resource

While Threads is more of an informal platform than linkedin, It is still a social networking platform that users go to when they want information, and most users looking for Threads accounts affiliated with a law firm or lawyer also want valuable information. Share links to resources you’ve created like electronic books or WebinarsOr share other relevant resources you’ve found with your audience. Just always include an explanation of what the resource is and a call to action to get them to check it out.

7. Share personal anecdotes

You will likely have case studies on your website that prove your expertise in the business. While publishing a Case Study In its original format, it can be very self-promoting to the threads audience, you can still provide anecdotes from these cases on threads. Consider leveraging string technology to tell longer stories. Just be sure to include the anecdotes in the larger conversation you’re trying to participate in.

8. Republish or quote

Like Twitter, Threads offers two options for resharing – Repost and Quote. A repost is a regular repost and a quote is a type of repost where you can add your own comment. These features are great because it’s an easy way to get more content in your feed without having to create your own post.

9. Industry news

Threads’ goal was to become the new “Virtual Town Square”. This means that Threads is an app for users to find out about the news. Follow the latest industry news and share it with your audience.

10. Share a screenshot to stop scrolling

Share a clip that urges users to stop scrolling or even join a conversation. This can be an interesting statistic or a quick look at something relevant to your industry.


Filament’s popularity has continued to grow since its inception in July. Since early adopters often get more followers, it’s best for law firms to create a Threads account. Use these ideas to get you started on Threads, but don’t be afraid to get creative and explore other ideas, because Threads is a new app.


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