
Money Orders in Divorce – Why It’s So Important


What is the financial matter in divorce proceedings?

A financial order is a legally binding document issued by a court setting out the financial arrangements between spouses or civil partners during or after a divorce. It specifies how assets, income and pensions are divided.

It is essential to have a financial order to provide clarity and legal protection regarding financial matters after divorce. Without one, either party could file financial claims against the other in the future.

Understanding financial orders

When a couple decides to separate, there are two distinct elements that must be addressed: the legal element and the financial element.

The legal element includes obtaining a divorce or dissolving a civil partnership, while the financial element focuses on separating funds and agreeing to divide assets.

The legal document that determines the settlement of financial matters is known as a Financial approval orderOr a financial treatment order, or just a financial order.

It is a legally binding agreement between the parties involved and provides a framework for the division of assets.

Financial orders are essential to a divorce or separation between couples because they provide clarity and protection for both parties. It determines the agreed financial arrangements and helps to reach a just and equitable solution.

What can be included in a financial order?

A financial approval order covers various aspects of the division of assets and financial arrangements. They can include:

1. Property section

The financial order specifies how property, including the marital home, will be divided between the parties. It may specify the sale of the property and the distribution of its proceeds, or the transfer of its ownership to one party.

2. Pensions Division

Pensions are an important asset to consider in the financial system. The order could determine how pensions will be divided, whether through pension-sharing arrangements or a lump sum payment.

3. Saving and investing

Financial orders also address the division of savings accounts, investments, and other financial assets. It ensures the fair distribution of these resources among the parties.

4. Debts and obligations

The order may include provisions to divide debts and obligations, such as loans or credit card debt. It specifies the responsibility of each party in managing and paying these financial obligations.

5. Maintenance payments

Financial orders can also deal with ongoing financial support, such as spousal support or child support. It sets out the terms and conditions for these payments, ensuring financial stability for both parties and any dependent children.

Types of financial orders

There are different types of financial orders that can be obtained depending on the particular circumstances of the couple.

Here are the most common types:

Factors that the judge takes into account when issuing financial orders

When making financial orders in divorce proceedings, the court takes into account a range of factors. These factors include income, earning capacity, property and other financial resources of both parties.

So are the financial needs, obligations and responsibilities of both parties. This includes any financial obligations to the children, as well as any other financial debts or responsibilities.

The court will also consider the age of each party, the length of the marriage, and the contributions each party has made to the well-being of the family.

This includes financial and non-financial contributions, such as childcare or maintaining the family home.

Ultimately, the court will look at all aspects of life to ensure that A Fair divorce settlement reached.


It is essential to understand the process, seek legal advice and consider mediation for an amicable financial settlement whenever possible.

By doing so, you can navigate the complexities of divorce with greater confidence and clarity about your financial well-being.

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If you have a formal agreement with your ex and want to turn it into a legally binding court order without spending thousands, our online services are perfect for you.


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