
How law firms use artificial intelligence in their practices | Explore law firms and legal advice


Generative AI software such as ChatGPT from OpenAI and Bard from Google are being adopted by a growing number of industries, including the legal sector.

a Survey 2023 Among 443 lawyers and law firms, they found that 82% of respondents believe AI can be applied in legal work. Respondents were less confident about whether or not it was artificial intelligence He should However, AI is applicable to the profession, with nearly a quarter of respondents believing that AI should not be applied to legal work.

Here’s how artificial intelligence, also known as artificial intelligence, is being used by lawyers and law firms – and what reservations remain.

  • Improve workflow in law firms.
  • Improving sales and marketing of law firms.
  • Creating efficient operations for law firms.
  • Saving money for law firm clients.
  • Reduce drama in the courtroom.

Despite these functions, the presence of real human lawyers and due diligence is essential.

Improve workflow in law firms

Some industry experts point to the capabilities of AI to improve and simplify workflows.

“We’re not just keeping pace with the future, we’re actively stepping into it by fully integrating AI into our workflow,” says Sarah Schaefer, an attorney at Eltringham Law Group in South Florida. “From improving draft motions, letters and various correspondence, to creating compelling images for our PowerPoint presentations for use in mediations and trials, AI has proven to be a powerful force in our company.”

Schiffer says the introduction of AI could come with some concerns in the legal field. Some are reluctant to adopt his posts.

“However, we are committed to alleviating these concerns and demonstrating the tremendous value that AI can bring when used responsibly,” says Schaefer. “In essence, our embrace of AI has significantly enriched our company’s capabilities.”

Refining sales and marketing of law firms

AI can streamline the process of onboarding clients and producing marketing materials for some law firms.

“We apply AI as a web-based sales and client intake tool, programmed to ask web visitors questions to diagnose their legal issues and determine whether a direct member of the law firm’s business development team should follow up with a phone consultation,” says Chavon. Jones, chief content officer at Sales for Lawyers, a professional development company for lawyers based in Miami.

Jones uses artificial intelligence in the company’s training courses. “The information the technology collects helps lawyers prepare for sales calls and close sales faster,” Jones says.

Technology is also helping law firms with promotions, says Derek Jacques, an attorney and owner of The Mitten Law Firm in the metro Detroit area.

“AI is something we have integrated into marketing, specifically into the research side when creating written content,” Jack says. “Although everything AI produces needs to be verified, it reduces the time it takes to write and publish a good blog post. Additionally, it is a great tool for creating visual content, specifically the text-to-image tool launched by Canva.

Creating efficient operations for law firms

Because AI is doing most of the work that was previously done only by humans, it is creating much more efficient operations, says George Salinas, an attorney at Salinas Law Injury Law in San Antonio.

“AI has proven useful for summarizing meetings, creating PDF document summaries, managing calendars, and handling email communications,” says Salinas. “These applications free up valuable time for lawyers to focus on more intellectual endeavors, such as dealing with clients or formulating and implementing litigation strategies.”

Other lawyers are leaning toward AI to improve processes, and suggest others should do so as well.

“Lawyers who quickly embrace technology development will be able to grow and enhance their practices,” says Anne Cusimano, general counsel for ARAG Legal Insurance, headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa. Cusimano says it can be used to create operational efficiencies, automate repetitive tasks, and predictive analytics and documentation.

Saving money for law firm clients

AI software saves time, which translates into lower costs for the client, says Christopher Warren, managing partner at New York City-based Warren Law Group.

Warren says there are two types of lawyers: those who use AI and those who will soon be out of work. What normally requires 20 hours of work, such as looking through a large number of deposit pages, can be done in less than one hour. This greatly reduces billable hours.

“As a lawyer, my duty is to my clients,” says Warren. “Yes, I take a loss in the short term because I pay less bills. But in the long term, I am more competitive and I am a superior attorney. I use this technology as a tool so that I can save my clients time and a lot of money.

Warren says most established lawyers are reluctant to learn and adopt AI, but such a slowdown could harm their professional security — and soon. A 2023 reconnaissance Walters Kluwer Information and Information Services found that 62% of respondents believe that the effective use of generative AI will separate successful and unsuccessful law firms over the next five years.

Reduce drama in the courtroom

Will plaintiffs and defendants be represented by AI lawyers? Maybe not. But Wayne Cohen, professor of trial skills at George Washington College of Law in the District of Columbia, says AI has the potential to ensure an improved and fairer courtroom experience.

“People should notice an improvement in the quality of the acting,” says Cohen. “The way things are produced will be better, such as exhibits, drawings and documents for the jury.” For example, AI can produce an accurate diagram of an accident that occurred at an intersection, giving a jury an accurate idea of ​​what happened.

Cohen also notes that this technology could save customers money. Cases that go to trial can be very expensive, as attorney fees can be more than $200 an hour. “In a large case, you might have four lawyers representing you. But with AI doing so much of the work, you might only have one, which would cut your costs a lot,” says Cohen.

Even the right to a speedy trial could be positively affected. “When the court system starts to incorporate AI, it will speed up the process,” says Cohen. “Once the judicial branch uses it, the cases will speed up.”

Due diligence and real human attorneys are still essential

Of course, there are warnings about the rapid adoption of AI in the legal profession. Over-reliance on information generated by AI can put a lawyer at a disadvantage.

“AI must be handled with care, as it is seen as bringing false or even bogus cases, which has in fact led to some lawyers being disciplined,” says Jacques, who stresses the need for lawyers to be aware of potential breaches of privilege. It can exist when using artificial intelligence to communicate with customers.

In one example, a lawyer was caught creating a legal brief using ChatGPT for a case in Federal District Court. The motion contained bogus judicial opinions and legal citations. During the hearing, the lawyer said he did not know that the chatbot could frame cases.

Nor is artificial intelligence a substitute for a human professional in the field of law. “General practice lawyers should view AI as a valuable aid that complements their skills, knowledge and experience, and not as a substitute for their professional judgment,” says Cusimano.

In fact, providing legal advice to clients is something that AI cannot legally handle, because it violates ethical issues, says Cohen. It is called the unauthorized practice of law. So, while AI can help a lawyer provide a good service and enhance the future of the law firm, it cannot be used by a lawyer as a substitute for an actual lawyer.


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