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5 Bills to Watch in the Michigan Legislature: August 2023


The following article explains five bills that have been introduced, passed, or signed into law by either the Michigan State Legislature or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer over the past month.

Each month, The Michigan Daily publishes a collection of bills in the Michigan state legislature for students at the University of Michigan to be aware of.

  1. More protection for young employees

Status: Presented to the Council and referred to the Committee

Submitted by Rep. Phil Scaggs, R-East Grand Rapids, and R-Will Snyder, D-Muskegone, HP-4932 It will require new safety measures to protect the rights of employees under the age of 18 in the workplace. The bill also gives more power to the state government to collect administrative fines from employers who violate the law. Youth Employment Standards ActIn addition to specifying the criminal penalties they may face in case of non-compliance.

Whitmer announce June will be Michigan Youth Employment Month to draw attention to the prevalence of young workers in Michigan. And in June, that was expected 235,000 young people from Michigan Those between the ages of 16 and 19 will work in the state during the summer. And in the same month, Related invoice, HB-4437 passed into law. This bill allocated funds to help nonprofit organizations support job training and job readiness programs for young workers. In a June press release, Whitmer said it’s just as important for Michigan employers to provide resources for young people interested in work as it is for the government to ensure young people are protected in the workplace.

“We encourage Michigan employers to offer our youth meaningful, safe, and valuable job and volunteer opportunities,” Whitmer said. “We urge them to recognize that youth employment, including people with disabilities, is an investment in the future of our state and nation.”

If passed, HB-4932 would subject employers to criminal liability if a minor is injured on the job.

After the first reading in August, HB-4932 was referred to Higher Education Committee.

  1. Tax credit for taxpayers who graduated from high school or college outside of Michigan

Status: Presented to the Council and referred to the Committee

HP-4934, introduced by Skaggs and Snyder, provides tax incentives for graduates of high schools and universities outside of Michigan to move to the state. The bill would allow them to claim a tax credit on student loans paid starting January 1, 2024. Graduates may claim a credit equal to 50% of the tax paid by taxpayers on a qualified student loan during the tax year with proof of residence and proof of degree.

Across the United States, student loan debt is as high as 1.774 trillion dollars and 43.6 million borrowers have federal student loan debt. in michigan, 58% of college students have student loan debt in the 2019-2020 school year. This bill, also titled “The Make it in Michigan Grant” tax credit program, would incentivize graduates to move to Michigan to begin their careers and seek employment. On August 25th press releaseSkaggs said it’s important to attract and retain talent in Michigan’s workforce.

“We must make Michigan a magnet for talent by rewarding out-of-state young people for moving and staying here,” Skaggs said. “This will be a major boost toward achieving our goals of strong population growth.”

Michigan was the state that had it Fifth Slower population growth across the country in 2022. The bill’s sponsors promise that it will help ease the burden of student loans for Michigan residents and spur population growth.

“We need to be more competitive if we as a country are going to deal with stagnant population growth,” Skaggs said. “Not only will this legislation help us retain graduates from our universities, but it will also help us attract talent from other states.”

HP-4933 It was introduced simultaneously by Skaggs and Snyder and is intended to provide an individual income tax credit to high school and college graduates who are from Michigan and also have student loans. The bill aims to encourage in-state graduates to remain in Michigan.

HB-4934 was referred to the House Committee on Higher Education on August 23.

3. More details about camera footage used as evidence in school vehicle traffic cases

Status: Presented to the Council and referred to the Committee

Submitted by Rep. Nate Shannon, R-Sterling Heights, R-R Graham Feller, R-Saginaw, HP-4928 Aims to add a more detailed section to Michigan vehicle law About collecting camera evidence of traffic violations by linking it to school vehicles. The bill was introduced a few months after it was passed HP-4250, which banned the use of mobile devices while driving, in June. After the passage of this bill, Shannon A statement Saying the state needs to continue passing laws to help protect Michigan drivers.

“We cannot just focus on repairing roads and infrastructure; “We must also ensure drivers remain alert and focused while they are behind the wheel,” Shannon said. “Passing these bills could save lives.”

HB-4928 outlines specific violations detected on school bus cameras that will result in a fine. The number of school vehicle accidents across the state last year was 1,041 based data Collected by the Michigan State Police. at least 24 States already have camera laws specifically for school vehicles, including Michigan Allow Districts will install cameras on their school buses in 2021. HP-4202 passed in July, allows courts to consider recordings from cameras as evidence in determining the cause of accidents.

HB-4928 will continue to outline how this evidence is collected and how it is used. It was indicated with Regulatory Reform Committee On August 23rd.

  1. That the tax collection of business sites be similar to pre-pandemic regulations

Status: Presented in the House of Representatives, and referred by the Committee

Foreword by Rep. Brenda Carter, D-Pontiac, HP-4926 Aims to modify Public property tax law By removing all current references to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from the law. By removing references to the pandemic, local businesses will still be able to enjoy the flexibility afforded to them over the past two years even though the pandemic itself is over. For example, businesses will still be able to maintain the smaller, temporary pop-up locations they opened during the COVID-19 outbreak.

in 2021, 39% of Michigan local officials reported that their local economy has suffered from the pandemic. Michigan’s economy has been developing steadily to improve Over the past year partly thanks legislation that provided special concessions and financial support to local businesses in the aftermath of the pandemic. in press releaseWhitmer said programs and laws that help businesses recover from the pandemic will continue to help increase the state’s economic momentum.

“I am focused on putting Michiganders first and growing Michigan’s economy as we work together to leverage our $7 billion surplus and make investments in the issues that matter most to families,” Whitmer said.

The bill was presented and then forwarded to Tax Policy Committee On August 22nd.

  1. April will be the month of Chaldean and Assyrian heritage

Status: Presented to the Council and referred to the Committee

HP-4927, introduced by Rep. Noah Arbitt, D-West Bloomfield, would make April Chaldean and Assyrian Heritage Month. April is already set as Arab American Heritage Month, Chaldean American month And National Minority Heritage Month in the state.

In 2020, approx 500,000 Chaldeans and Assyrians reside in the United States, with large communities in Michigan. Whitmer advertisement Chaldean American Month in April has already been honored and celebrated by more than 100,000 Chaldean Americans in Michigan.

“The Chaldean Assyrian Syriac community (enriches) the cultural fabric and prosperity of Michigan through their success in the arts, business, law, politics, education, medicine, architecture and engineering,” Whitmer said.

This bill was presented and then referred to Government Operations Committee On August 23rd.

Daily Staff Reporter Ji Hoon Choi can be reached at


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