
The Most Important Marketing Strategies for Law Firms | Explore law firms and legal advice


Maintaining a strong digital presence is crucial to promoting your law firm.

“Experience in marketing strategies is just as important to maintaining a successful legal practice as understanding the law itself,” says Marcos Fernandez, attorney and co-owner of The Law Offices of Kinney, Fernandez & Boires PA in Florida.

By utilizing the right marketing strategies, you can ensure that your company is easy to find and contact. In addition, you can improve your odds of getting a steady stream of new clients.

Law firm marketing strategies run the gamut. But here are five key marketing law strategies law firms should use.

  • Create competitive web content and use SEO.
  • Engage in social media marketing.
  • Use pay-per-click advertising.
  • Participate in local advertising.
  • Develop relationship building skills and strategies.

Read on to get more insights into each strategy.

Create competitive web content and use search engine optimization (SEO).

A competitive website with good content and search engine optimization, often called SEO, is a critical priority for marketing your law firm, says Katherine Schwab, founder of Make It Count Creative Solutions.

“Some ways to improve your local SEO include optimizing your Google Business profile, making sure your website includes the key terms you and your site would like to rank for, and creating content specific to your region,” says Schwab.

Maximizing your website involves creating informational content within your niche, including articles, blog posts and shareable information for social media, as well as publishing strategic marketing copy across your website that is optimized for keywords in your area.

“A well-optimized website with strategic use of keywords relevant to your legal services will not only increase your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), but also provide better visibility to potential clients,” says Fernandez.

Additionally, he adds, post content and rank for keywords within your space targeting individuals who are already searching for terms related to the legal services you provide — increasing their chances of converting them into a client.

Engage in social media marketing

Along with a well-designed website comes a strong social media presence. If you post original content, you can extract it for tips and snippets to share on social media platforms. Even if you don’t post original content, it’s important to maintain your presence on social media so that your work is easy to find.

“It is important to maintain an active presence on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram,” says Schwab. “Social media allows law firms to interact directly with the public, boost brand awareness, enhance engagement and showcase their expertise, thus attracting potential clients and referrals.”

A few posts per week can show that you are a company that actively interacts with their clients, which may introduce your services to more potential clients.

Use pay-per-click advertising

Clicks from Google search to your website are generated from several different channels, including organic results (from high-quality content and an optimized website) and paid results from Google Ads.

Pay-per-click, or PPC, ads allow you to rank at the top of the search page for certain terms and can be well worth the investment.

“Identify the key terms and phrases potential customers use when searching for services like yours,” says Kady Darago, director of customer engagement at Altitude Marketing. “Then run them through a tool like Semrush or Google Keyword Planner to see how much it would cost them to bid on .”

This will help you to use your marketing budget strategically, as PPC advertising can get expensive quickly.

Engage in local advertising

These days, digital advertising is definitely king, accounting for the majority of media ad spending as of 2022. But native advertising can still attract valuable clients to your law firm when you leverage it strategically.

“Traditional methods such as local advertising are still valuable, especially in reaching an older demographic that may not be tech-savvy,” says Fernandez. “Using local radio, newspapers and billboards can generate awareness and even get direct inquiries.”

Develop relationship building skills and strategies

Relationship building should never be underestimated. Networking with other professionals – especially those in related fields, such as insurance or real estate – can have mutual benefits and increase referrals.

No matter what combination of digital and other advertising you use, don’t forget the power of word-of-mouth recommendations. Regular networking with other professionals continues to be a valuable way to attract clients.


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