Personal injury

The attorneys leading PFAS litigation nationwide announce significant progress toward implementing the largest drinking water settlements in history


Cincinnati, August 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A consortium of law firms that have worked together for more than a decade to lead litigation and secure settlements on behalf of those affected by PFAS chemical contamination is pleased to announce several significant developments in executing their new settlements with 3M and DuPont-related companies that You will provide benefits of up to $13.6 billion to public water providers across the country.

on August 29, 2023Federal Court in South Carolina Oversight of ongoing nationwide litigation regarding damages caused by PFAS in Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) granted preliminary approval to settle with 3M, valued up to $12.5 billion. This follows similar initial court approval of the settlement with DuPont and its associated companies August 22, 2023at an additional value $1.185 billion. Together, these settlements represent the largest drinking water settlements in United States history.

on August 23, 2023A new website for DuPont and 3M settlements has been published, available at The website provides additional information regarding the estimated ranges of potential recoveries by individual public water providers in both proposed settlements.

A coalition attorney Rob BellottPartner with a law firm Taft Stettinius and HollisterHe had been working on PFAS cases for more than two decades when he brought the nation’s first PFAS case in 1999. He continues his service through his current case role as a court-appointed advisory advisor to the Plaintiffs Executive Committee. In the AFFF lawsuit. Bilott also acts as a group counsel in a case brought by someone Ohio Firefighters on behalf of the millions of Americans who seek monitoring and medical testing as a result of PFAS contamination in their blood.

“These new proposed settlements for public water providers in the AFFF lawsuit not only represent historic amounts of potential refunds for victims of PFAS contamination, but also reflect the decades of work our team has done to ascertain the information these companies have obtained,” Bellotte noted. BLOCK THEM – Regarding the threat these “forever chemicals” pose to human health and the environment, it has finally been revealed to the public, and that the parties involved bear financial responsibility for the massive damages they have caused.

Other coalition attorneys, who have also worked with Bilott for more than a decade litigating PFAS cases across the country, include: Michael London And Gary Douglas From the Douglas and London Company.

London, serving as co-lead counsel with Bellott in other multi-district litigation and trials against DuPont in V Ohio Handled certain PFAS personal injury claims, also serves as court-appointed co-principal counsel to the Plaintiffs Executive Committee in the AFFF litigation, helped lead historic settlement negotiations in that litigation, and will serve as class counsel for the purposes of the new law colony.

“This historic settlement is a victory for Americans who care about protecting our water supplies so their families can rest at night knowing their water is protected,” London said.

With the new available data posted on the settlement website, London noted that “public water systems across… United State They can understand what the cash assistance they receive might look like and can plan accordingly.”

Douglas, a pilot’s class advisor Ohio Medical Monitoring case and served as lead trial attorney in DuPont’s trials Ohio In the AFFF MDL, he added, “The combined settlements with 3M and DuPont represent the largest settlement of its kind in history, but we know this is just part of the larger solution. This record settlement is just one of many funding sources for we Public Water Systems to Address PFAS Pollution, Including Federal Government Funding.”

Attorneys at the law firm Levin Papantonio have also been key members of PFAS’ national litigation team for more than a decade. Partners Mike Papantonio, Ned McWilliamsAnd Wes Bowden He has helped lead trial teams and held key leadership roles on multiple cases, including adjudication counsel for the Court of Justice Ohio Medical Monitoring Case, and as executive committee members in previous DuPont personal injury cases and trials and current AFFF litigation.

Kevin Madonna The attorneys at SL Environmental have also been active members of the PFAS National Litigation Team for years.

Together, the attorneys and law firms that make up this unique alliance have not only led the world’s first cases addressing PFAS contamination, but have continued to work together to pursue claims for an ever-growing group of aggrieved parties, and to resolve those claims through innovative solutions. And really pioneer settlements.

The team’s remarkable efforts in this regard were the subject of a feature-length documentary, The Devil We Know, and a feature-length documentary, The Devil We Know. Hollywood The movie “Dark Waters” as well as the book “Exposure”.

The team currently represents affected parties across the country, including more than 100 public water providers, in ongoing efforts to address PFAS’ unprecedented damage.

While the recent settlements in the AFFF lawsuit move the needle forward significantly, the fight is far from over; The agreements, if finalized by a court, will only resolve claims of public water providers regarding PFOS contamination.

The legal team will continue to pursue other claims—such as damage to natural resources, personal injury cases, medical observation, damage to private property, and more—that were not affected by these settlements.


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