Will AI-generated content affect SEO best practices?


As AI becomes more useful and more available, content generated by this technology will become increasingly prevalent in marketing strategies.

For marketing teams creating content for their brands, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a key role. Many marketers may wonder about the relationship between search engine optimization (SEO) and Content generated by artificial intelligence It will look like, and whether search engines like Google will change their content guidelines to reflect this new direction.

In short, the role of SEO will not change, but the roles of marketers may.

Updated Google guidelines for AI-generated content

Google recently released Guidelines For SEO and AI generated content. These guidelines emphasize the importance of transparency and ensuring that AI-generated content is unique and of value to readers. Google said it will focus on reducing spam and promoting content that meets its standards for expertise, experience, reliability, and trustworthiness.

Many of Google’s guidelines are also advice for organizations and content creators who work with AI-generated content. For example, content creators must disclose when they use AI to maintain transparency and build consumer trust.

large language models (Master of Law) such as ChatGPT carries some plagiarism risk, as the LLM may verbatim repeat some of the material on which it was trained. Machine learning does not understand the human significance of the content it processes. Content creators must disclose any content generated from tools built on LLMs to maintain their SEO rankings and avoid penalties from search engines.

Content marketing, management, and creation functions have changed with AI-generated content, including the need to validate and improve the raw data provided by algorithms. However, the primary purpose remains the same: to provide original and valuable content that cannot be considered spam.

An infographic detailing the steps of how search engine optimization works.
Google’s updated content guidelines, which were created in response to the emergence of AI content creation tools such as ChatGPT, will change SEO best practices for some organizations.

Risks of content generated by artificial intelligence in marketing

While AI-generated content can cut costs and increase employee efficiency, it also brings Risks marketers must consider Before using text, images and videos generated by artificial intelligence. These include:

  • Lack of creativity. AI-generated content often lacks creativity or originality. It may appear flat or inhuman, which can detract from user experiences.
  • Possible copyright infringement. Marketers should be careful about potential copyright violations, as AI algorithms may produce content that plagiarizes existing material.
  • Spam appears. The ease of automating content generated by AI also raises concerns about bots generating low-quality information that users might consider spam. This can hurt your SEO rankings and damage your brand reputation.
  • Loss of link to content. Brands that post AI-generated content on social media platforms may struggle to maintain a real and relevant online presence. Currently, AI-generated content can be of wildly variable quality. For example, if a A brand generates an image From people having a party, a user can zoom in to see that one person’s teeth look weird, while another person has extra fingers. This inauthenticity can turn users away.

Best practices for AI-generated content

To effectively integrate AI-generated content into their workflow, brands should take time to build policies around the use of this content and maintain and update these policies frequently.

For example, brands should consider the following best practices:

  • Subjecting AI-generated content to human review and moderation. The AI ​​engine can’t see where it has veered into the uncanny valley or where its content looks inhuman and frightening. Brands should review content to make sure it’s real and ensure it’s accurate.
  • Review content for plagiarism. a lot Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT They are trained on existing web content, so they can replicate content verbatim from other sites. Brands can review content using plagiarism checking tools like Scribbr, Grammarly, or Plagaware.
  • Establish and follow editorial guidelines and standards. Brands can implement strict editorial guidelines and style standards to help maintain consistent, high-quality content. It can also include instructions in AI prompts, so the tool can generate content that fits the standard.
  • Ensure that the content will resonate with your target audiences. Creative team members can add a unique touch to AI-generated content and should be part of the review process. This team can ensure that the content aligns with the brand’s voice and resonates with the target audience.
  • Monitor content regularly. If brands a screen Content generated by artificial intelligence They can also regularly update how they interact with their AI engine and adapt to evolving trends and user preferences in content. Monitoring also helps them keep abreast of what is possible and recommended for agile engineering.

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As AI-generated content becomes more popular, understanding its impact on SEO best practices is critical. If brands follow Google’s guidelines and enhance AI content with high-quality human monitoring and plagiarism reviews, content managers and leaders can continue to maintain high SEO rankings.

Creating AI content can help businesses, but it is not a panacea.

Creating AI content can help businesses, but it is not a panacea. To succeed in SEO and AI-generated content, brands must blend the benefits of AI with human creativity and oversight. Together, this can maintain or enhance content search engine performance and deliver valuable and engaging content to consumers.


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