
Social Media for Lawyers: 14 Ways to Build Confidence | Good2b is social


Social media marketing for law firms(Author: Noreen Fishman)

In today’s digital age, social media is not only a powerful tool for connecting with people, but also a building block for building trust in your company. Nowadays, the average consumer checks the ratings and likes linkedinFacebook, Twitter, etc., before using a service or purchasing a product. Therefore, you can be sure that potential clients will search social media for lawyers before they decide to hire you or your firm.

Potential clients want to know who will represent them legally, and social media provides a unique opportunity to convince them that you, as a lawyer, will provide a quality service that meets their needs. So, if you want to stay ahead of your competition, you need to understand how social media can effectively build trust and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

In this article, we highlight 14 ways lawyers can build client trust through social media:

1. High-quality content on social media platforms

To ensure customers see your profile and stay long enough to interact or connect with you, you’ll need engaging content on your social media pages. To do this, you must first:

With this information, you can strategize and create quality content for your social media platforms. The content should cover the needs of your potential customers and fill in the gaps in the services your competitors list.

If you are a lawyer new to social media and need help improving your profile, visit our previous posts: Vital Social Media Tips for Lawyers And 10 steps to a perfect LinkedIn profile.

2. Know where your potential customers are

Despite the popularity of LinkedIn, your single LinkedIn profile is not enough to impress new customers. You have to understand the communication potential of each Social media A platform to reach potential clients. For example, if you are advertising for corporate law, LinkedIn is the best platform because of its trusted and B2B nature. However, if you are advertising on family law, you should definitely have a presence on Facebook and Instagram, as they are both consumer-focused platforms.

3. Write in the first or second person

Third-person writing is great in professional contexts, but social media is the time to get personal. Write the first person when referring to your own ideas, and use “you” or the third person if you’re trying to get users to portray themselves in a scenario.

4. Establish thought leadership

As a lawyer, you can showcase your expertise to potential clients through social media platforms. But to establish your brand as a thought leader, you must understand the delicate balance between providing information and selling your service. Just follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of your content and responses to clients should be informative and resourceful to showcase your expertise, while 20% should be to promote your law firm’s brand and quality services.

5. Tell your brand story

Your customers need to connect with your company Brand So that they can trust your services as a lawyer. Use social media to tell your brand story and make sure you humanize it. This facilitates an emotional connection with your potential customers, which ultimately helps gain their trust and loyalty.

6. Monitor conversations about your company

Attorneys should participate in hearing about trademarks with these Social listening tools. Use branded keyword searches on social media, and see what everyone is saying about your company. Tactful use of this tool can allow you to showcase your expertise and prepare your company for negative public relations and controversies.

7. Ask your customers to review your company

Reviews help build trust. Clients read reviews on social media platforms to form an opinion about your law firm. So asking existing clients to review your firm’s services is an excellent way to take advantage of social media for lawyers. For tips on securing reviews for your company, see our previous blog: Importance of client testimonials for law firms.

8. Create informational videos

Your clients may need help understanding many legal concepts and terms. Adding an informational video to your blog post or social media post is a great way to educate your audience on relevant topics or discuss current legal trends. Videos have a lot of appeal and can attract new people potential clients. Ensure that the facts and content in the video are true while showcasing your expertise on social media.

Lawyer video

9. Keep sharing blog posts and news updates on a regular basis

Regular blogging with valuable information and sharing the latest legal updates can make you appear socially engaged and help you stand out from your competition. Nothing is worse than discovering a social account only to realize that it rarely posts. Try posting a few times each week at first, then move up to posting every day.

10. Use LinkedIn’s “Skill and Endorsement” section wisely to advocate for your company

Don’t forget that your customers are checking your LinkedIn profile. The Skill and Endorsement section plays a vital role in creating your company’s brand image. So it is important to make sure that you only get accreditation for the skills you already possess. Anything incorrect can harm you and your law firm’s image.

11. Continue the conversation

Your social media posts should interest others. They need to be structured the same way they would if they were looking to strike up a conversation. Ask interesting questions or share interesting ideas in your social media posts. But the most important part is what happens next. When others share your posts or comments, be sure to give them a Like and reply right away. This shows that you care about having an actual conversation with your followers.

12. Host a live FAQ

Live sessions are an excellent opportunity to answer other people’s questions in a personal way. Several social media platforms offer live video options, including LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook Facebook.

13. Complete your resume

Your resume should be more than just contact information. Use your CV as an opportunity to tell your story, define your area of ​​practice, and highlight your personality. Include your reasons for turning to the law, interesting extracurricular activities you do, and personal information.

14. Use only trustworthy links

It’s great to share links to articles that are relevant to your audience and not to your own. Doing so shows that your focus is on education, not self-promotion. However, be careful of the links you share. If the site is untrustworthy or looks unprofessional, it may damage your credibility and trust.


Now, you understand how important social media is if you want to get more clients. It provides a great opportunity to market your skills and build confidence in yourself or your law firm. Ensure consistency in your blog post, and it’s essential to find balance – don’t underdo it or overdo it. You must understand the basics of social media and then present your ideology to your potential clients.

Remember, social media is meant to build connections and connect. Interact with potential customers as much as possible and respond quickly to their inquiries or comments.


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