SEO Checklist and Search Basics for YMYL Brands


I have written extensively on tactics and best practices for health and wellness marketing. This is the consolidation of those ideas so that everything is on one neat list!

Use this SEO checklist and search basics to help you get the most out of your search and marketing budget.

Google wants YMYL brands to provide high-quality content that displays experience, expertise, credibility, and trust (food).

  1. Show experience and expertise in your field. Use your “About Us” page to prove your expertise and experience. This helps Google and your customers trust you.
  2. Proof of domain authority. Every blog, white paper, and case study needs an author byline and bio.
  3. Proof that your website is trustworthy. Use endnotes and references to back up all fact-and-benefit statements and research – Google and the FDA expect this. Include customer reviews on every page to establish confidence.

is reading Give Google and your customers what they want Learn more about useful content and Google expectations. Hint: This is crucial as we move into a new era of research.

Sales happen when your brand is visible, available, and engaged.
Improve your marketing during a recession with these five techniques:

  1. Review and update your keywords. People have new priorities, and your keywords should reflect those priorities.
  2. Stay active on social media. Avoid silence. Maintain an active and engaging presence.
  3. Update your content strategy. People look differently during a recession. Your content strategy needs to be updated to reflect the changing search objective.
  4. Keep communicating. Submit your newsletter, post it on social media and on your blog. Make it clear that you are still here and available.
  5. Update your paid search strategy. Include your new keywords and search intent in your ads and landing pages.

is reading Why does marketing matter more during a recession? For more information on how to succeed during a recession.

client—This word sums up the three marketing trends you need to know. Make it about your customer.

  1. The content is for real people. Create content that provides answers, solves problems, adds value, and uses a friendly, connected style.
  2. Customer experience first. Know what your customers want and deliver it through easy-to-read content, an accessible website, clean menus, and thought leadership.
  3. AI tools can add value. From predictive analytics, brainstorming, analyzing website traffic, and streamlining day-to-day operations – AI tools can help you turn clicks into sales.

is reading The marketing and SEO trends for 2023 that your brand needs to succeed For an update on how to use SEO in 2023 and beyond.

Every SEO strategy should include the following SEO tactics:

  1. Technical review. A technical audit reveals how well your website is optimized for search engines and AI tools.
  2. Competitive keyword gap analysis. You need to know what your competitors are ranking for, what they are not ranking for, and which keywords you are ranking in the top 20 on your search engine results page (SERP) for.
  3. Search intent. Search intent tells you what people are looking for and needing. This is important – read me Blog about search intent.
  4. Internal linking. Search engines and readers use internal links to find their way around your website and find your most important pages.
  5. High quality content. Search engines prioritize ranking reliable content that helps people. Be aware of mediocre quality content – ​​this can hurt your search engine rankings.
  6. food. As a YMYL brand, it is important to demonstrate experience, expertise, credibility and trust (EEAT).

is reading Basic SEO tactics you need to know To know how long SEO takes and the keys to ranking higher in a search engine.

A research intent is the need, challenge, goal, or question that your customer wants to solve. The search intent forces people to open a web browser and type (or ask) their question.

Ask these questions to refine your search objective:

  1. What does the customer want and need?
  2. What type of research goal are you writing about?
  3. Where do you want to be in the customer journey?
  4. What is your view of your content?
  5. How do you deliver content?

is reading How research intent triggers customer challenges and desires For the information you need to know about achieving customer satisfaction.

Paid and organic search optimization is your secret interest.

Do this To maximize your marketing budget:

  1. Really understand your search data. Why do people click, what happens after they click, who is at the top of the SERP?
  2. Recycle and reuse high performing PPC ads and landing pages. People love familiarity – it builds trust.
  3. Focus on search intent. Give people what they want with your ads and content.
  4. Eat and YMYL. This is important for your entire digital existence.
  5. Improve your technical SEO. The best PPC advertising and organic search strategy can’t make up for a poorly designed and managed website.

is reading Maximize your marketing budget: Balancing paid search with organic search So you can build a flexible and affordable search strategy.

As a YMYL brand, you need to get the basics of SEO and search right. If you fail to do so, Google will ignore you.


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