What is it and why does it matter


Google’s patent on the “degree of information acquisition” was granted in June 2022. And I think it’s no coincidence that many algorithms are being updated – including Helpful content update – He follows.

Is getting information a key avenue for Google? Prioritize valuable content Is it “original, high-quality, people-first, and EEAT-compliant content”?

My hypothesis: yes. this is the reason.

What is the degree of information acquisition?

The Information Acquisition score is basically a measure of how unique your content is from the rest of the crowd. Here, the collection will be all the possible documents that Google analyzes in order for the particular searched query.

In the patent, most of the scenarios presented for calculating information acquisition scores are implemented after subsequent queries or document views and search result displays. It is a learning process that is specific to the individual and/or the subject he or she is researching.

Delay Bill Slawsky books Technical breakdown for this process when the patent was still under review in 2020.

One of the interesting things I see in Patent language This is it:

Allows Google to algorithmically calculate information acquisition scores and apply them as training data via machine learning models.

The need for the first set of documents to calculate the degree of information acquisition may become obsolete in the future:

“(i) In some applications, data from each document of the second set of documents can be applied via a machine learning model as input.”

How does information acquisition affect search rankings?

From a real-world perspective, this means that Google:

  • It has a way of calculating how unique your content is from the rest of the content in that subject area.
  • Contains a measure to actively promote or demote content based on its level of difference or similarity.

The information acquisition score indicates a new algorithm element that targets the AI-generated content New content farms.

Thus, content may be downgraded if it lacks uniqueness, even if it consists of different words arranged differently.

Skyscraper content can be part of this targeted reduction.

The result of information acquisition and useful content system dictates innovation as there is currently a sea of ​​“fully optimized” content.

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Can having information improve the visibility of your website?

Using information acquisition to create or update content is a two-fold process.

  • Analyze your data source.
  • Identifying market opportunities.

In an ideal scenario, it would be great to see what an expert or sales manager would produce if asked to write about solving a customer’s problem X without any “Search Engine Optimization requirements” or using Google. The result may be a surprisingly innovative and appropriate response.

Most of us don’t have the luxury of taking a shot in the dark this way, and need more structure to change, update and adapt how we create content.

So let’s analyze how we can change this approach.

Where do you get your information from?

Dr. Pete's tweet

While it may seem like a step back, get ready to spend more time searching for content than you ever will.

If you’re only getting your information from the web and from the SERP you want to rank for, you may be part of the problem. We all do it, but it’s kind of lazy, right?

great, High quality content take time.

The content we publish, amplify and use as a way to promote our companies, brands and ourselves must be able to meet the ‘thought leadership’ tag.

What does that require? The foundation of thought leadership is basically informed opinion.

This requires you to take a stand, have a specific opinion, or come to a certain conclusion.

To do this, you need the information to substantiate that opinion, or you should.

In any company, you will have unique data waiting for you to use in an article or tool for your clients and clients, such as:

  • Feedback and records from your customer service team.
  • your ratings.
  • Feedback and sales calls from your sales team.
  • Your product usage data, if it can be collected and published.

These are all content sources that a competitor cannot easily replicate.

It can also be turned into rich media experiences that Google can’t create.

It is also informed about your actual customers and their actual experiences.

Much of the content that search results “ask” you to create may not, in fact, be relevant to your customers.

Starting with your own data will naturally filter out a lot of content written specifically for search engines.

What are the opportunities in the market?

As tempting as it may be to go to Google or Bing and follow the format of the article with the highest ranking in the search results, remember that Google only ranks it higher because it is the best they have access to.

They can’t create their content (yet) to answer exactly what a person is looking for if it isn’t already there.

So content rating can be utter nonsense to meet actual experience and provide a solid answer, but because it’s the best of the best, it’s what ranks.

So, when creating new content, we should also look at relevance and areas related to the topic you are writing about that other competitors may not be taking advantage of.

Tools that can help you see your competitors’ current topical relationships include:

Tools you can use to help understand the semantic topic relationships of your core topic (which your competitors may not cover) include:

Each of these tools has its own trade-offs and considerations, and each must be weighed against the compromises your organization makes on data.

Like everything else, it’s also a rough estimate of how Google’s search engine ranking system works.

It’s also good to remember that the influx of recently published content from AI has real cost implications for Google.

More content means increasingly more expensive electricity bills, so they have a vested interest in scrapping as much content as possible before it goes through all three crawlers.

So find ways to create content that works for both your customers and Google.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and are not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.


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