Mitigating technical SEO issues by empowering engineers


Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just about keywords and content. It ensures that search engines can access, crawl and interpret your website effectively. This is where technical SEO comes into play.

As highlighted in my article “Unleashing the SEO Superpowers for Enterprise: The Four Pillars of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Success.Mitigating and managing technical SEO errors is crucial to having a flawless online experience.

Companies can save time and money by providing enterprise engineers with knowledge on common technical SEO problems, streamlining the SEO process, and improving organic search performance.

Why engineers need to understand technical SEO

Here are some of the reasons why organizations retain their experienced SEO technical engineers.

Cost effective and time saving

By identifying and addressing technical issues during the development phase, engineers can prevent costly errors that require rework.

Improve site performance

Technically optimized sites provide better user experiences, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

SEO evolution

As the SEO landscape changes, having engineers who are aware of the latest trends ensures a proactive approach to website development.

Recent developments in SEO

Technical SEO is very important, says John Mueller of Google chirp July 24th.

“Technical SEO – it’s very important. I’ve double checked a few sites regarding SD usage. One of them had a performance report of zero for 3 weeks. Cookie banner loaded using JS, no other Googlebot content loaded. Soft 404s everywhere.

Moreover, the Google ad for Drop in to see the rich results of the FAQ HowTo’s limited results to desktop devices indicates the dynamic nature of SEO.

These changes underscore the need for technical vigilance, as even minor technical issues can greatly affect visibility in organic search results.

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Technical issues of monitoring

404 soft

A 404 soft error occurs when a non-existent page returns a “Page Not Found” message but does not return a 404 status code.

These errors can:

  • Misleading search engines to index irrelevant pages.
  • It negatively affects the user experience by causing some confusion.
  • It leads to unnecessary crawling and re-crawling by search engine bots.

To handle soft 404 files:

  • Make sure that non-existent pages show status 404 or 410.
  • Use 301 redirects for pages that have been moved to a new URL.

JavaScript SEO

JavaScript plays a crucial role in modern web development.

However, JavaScript comes with SEO challenges, including:

  • Complex javascript can slow down the indexing process.
  • JavaScript objects, such as lists, need regular testing to ensure search engine accessibility.
  • Ensure that internal links within JavaScript can be recognized by search engines.

Implementing server-side rendering, code minification, and lazy loading can improve load times, improve user experience, and improve SEO performance.

Dig deeper: What to look for in a technical SEO audit.

Empowering engineers with SEO knowledge

Engineers are at the forefront of website development, and their understanding of technical SEO can be transformative for an organization.

Companies can ensure optimum website performance by incorporating SEO best practices into development.

The ever-evolving nature of search engine optimization (SEO), as evidenced by Google’s recent announcements, underscores the need for continuous learning and adaptation.

With this knowledge, engineers can proactively address issues, ensuring that websites are user-friendly and search engine friendly.

Technical SEO, often overshadowed by its on-page counterpart, is the cornerstone of organic search performance.

By empowering engineers with the tools and knowledge they need to address these challenges head-on, organizations can improve website performance, user experience, and their bottom line.

With the SEO landscape shifting, a proactive approach to technical challenges will be key to staying ahead.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and are not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.


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