
Metaverse: what is it? How does this affect law firms?


Small law firms

Marvel has a multiverse – a set of alternate realities where superheroes interact and exist independently but sometimes realize counterparts in other realities. It is strange that our world has a Metaverse, which is not a fantasy. It refers to the world that is in digital format. Find out how the Metaverse affects your law firm by reading today’s post.

What is Metaverse?

Some experts define the Metaverse as a 3D version of the Internet. Metaverse users interact within a computer generated space. It is not limited to one online site; It includes many virtual spaces. Many users have avatars that help them interact with others online. It is like a virtual reality game and it is constantly evolving.

How did he become the Metaverse?

The term Metaverse is new to most of us. However, it originates in the 1992 novel Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson. In his narrative, the Metaverse was a hypothetical place that existed parallel to our own world.

It is not surprising that the gaming industry took this idea and put it into practice. Games like Fortnite have created virtual spaces that are shared by many users. Players compete with users around the world and interact within a fantasy game environment as they build bases, attack other avatars, earn virtual money and purchase virtual items.

The Metaverse has spread throughout our digital world, encouraging users to participate in its 3D parallel universe. According to Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, Facebook changed its name to Meta with the aim of entering the Metaverse. Although it seems like a new concept, today’s Metaverse includes:

  • Social networks like Facebook and Instagram, virtual workspaces like Microsoft Teams, and live entertainment
  • Real estate
  • education
  • technology infrastructure
  • User-created contact
  • hardware

As the Metaverse grows in popularity, legal issues may erupt. It is only natural that lawyers are needed to help negotiate the legal aspects of the Metaverse.

Metaverse and the future
The Metaverse market is estimated to exceed $800 billion by 2024. More than 10% of that amount is supposed to come from non-fungible tokens (NFT).

What are NFTs?
An NFT is a unique digital item that a user can own. NFTs can be online avatars, avatar costumes, branded items, or virtual plots.

Currently, the value of NFTs and Metaverse is only in theory but it may eventually change based on how this virtual world continues to be valued by the people who use it. Metaverse is not an individual site, so there may be more than one type of currency. Individual virtual worlds have their own cryptocurrencies, such as NFTs, but it is possible that the future will bring a single global cryptocurrency.

Law firms and Metaverse
Because the Metaverse is so new, it will continue to evolve and change. Different types of cases and legal implications have yet to be revealed. The Metaverse is likely to create various legal challenges in the future. This creates a new legal landscape for law firms and lawyers.

And those who anticipate the questions and challenges that may arise will be able to take advantage of this new digital marketplace. Here are some ways the law firm can take advantage of the Metaverse’s virtual reality:

Targeted ads
Law firms that have clients in technology or participate in the Metaverse may wish to use the Metaverse to publicize their practices. Early adopters of the Metaverse are maximizing marketing opportunities by buying digital space now when real estate is less expensive than it will be in the future.

Online meetings
Many law firms have struggled without being able to meet in person during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies saw revenue decline in 2020. Most of the world has been introduced to online or virtual meetings via Zoom or Google Meet, but the Metaverse can provide another unique way to meet clients.

Some people may prefer a Metaverse meeting if they are looking for one-off legal advice or have a sensitive and private matter to discuss, and want to remain anonymous. From now on, virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) could be a potential way for lawyers to connect with new and existing clients.

Virtual office spaces
Many companies have purchased real estate in the Metaverse and set up virtual offices. This step could allow law firms to take advantage of their presence in the Metaverse and provide their legal services on that unique platform.

Virtual legal issues
A business based on the Metaverse can involve complex legal issues. A law firm experienced in the Metaverse community may be able to advise clients on the complex legal aspects of the Metaverse. Problems may include:

  • Family Law – It’s weird that people get married and divorced in the Metaverse; They also buy real estate and get NFTs. As in the real world, legal services may be needed to finalize marriages, resolve property disputes, and assist with virtual asset audits.
  • Intellectual Property – Law firms may be required to help resolve intellectual property disputes, such as trademark or copyright disputes and licensing issues.
  • Privacy – As with any new novelty, privacy issues will arise. Issues such as compromised data, breach of privacy, and unregulated spaces may need to be resolved through litigation. In addition, law firms with Metaverse expertise may be able to help resolve cybersecurity conflicts.
  • NFTs – An experienced Metaverse attorney may be able to investigate allegations of fraud in the Metaverse universe. Lawyers can also help with legal protections for NFTs and other cryptocurrencies. They can also provide advice regarding the intricacies of cryptocurrency and help reduce the risks of digital assets.
  • Contracts – Contract disputes that arise in the Metaverse will need experienced attorneys to resolve. Law firms may help design contracts, commercial procurement, and licensing agreements.
  • Regulatory Issues – An attorney can assist with regulatory investigations by handling communications with regulatory agencies. The lawyer will be able to monitor the status of changes in the regulatory framework that includes the Metaverse.
  • Dispute Resolution – It might make sense to manage legal issues in the Metaverse via alternative dispute forums. Traditional courts may not have the resources or references to deal with the unique complexities of a transformed conflict.

Next steps for digital marketing
The Metaverse, a futuristic world, may create a new market for law firms. It might be time to dive in and learn about this innovative virtual marketplace. Take the time this week to learn more about the Metaverse and whether it’s a good choice for your law firm.

Annette Chotey, Esq. He graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the founder Law Feather, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and individual law firms. Annette wrote the best-selling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide for Law Firmsand hosts podcasts Legal Marketing Hall. She is a keynote speaker and speaker on continuing professional education throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do stand-up and professional comedy, which isn’t much different from the legal field if we’re all honest. Annette can be found on linkedin or in


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