
How accurate is the portrayal of divorce cases in Pakistani dramas?


Serf Tom’s divorce scene

In the ever-evolving world of Pakistani dramas, occasional gaffes are inevitable. Audiences often respond with memes, comments on silliness, and have passing questions about the art we produce. In this continuous cycle and unbreakable cycle, we lose sight of a forgotten fact, which is the impact and impact of these scenes.

Serf Tom’s divorce scene

A recent scene from 42Abbreviation II The Sirf Tum episode caused an uproar among the audience. Hamza, the infamous villain of the drama, divorces his wife, Amal, in the heat of the moment.

Hamza sits in his father-in-law’s office, quarrels with his wife and divorces her, saying: “min tomhin dita hoon divorce, dita hoon divorce, dita hoon divorceBoom.” (I shoot you, I shoot you, I shoot you, boom.)

The execution of this scene was nothing but insensitive. The way Hamza ended his sentence with the word “boom” suggests that he feels in control and triumphant, as if divorcing his wife is synonymous with child’s play.

Unfortunately, this is not a one-off incident in Pakistani dramas where we saw the male character divorce his wife three times, in one scene, on a fit of anger. And we look at all the other cases in which the divorce took place in this way:

My yield:

The 2019 drama revolves around Zira and Saad, a married couple whose lives fall apart after Saad divorces his wife in an impulsive moment. The drama highlights the repercussions of toxic in-laws and an irascible husband that leads to chaos in the couple’s lives.


Another drama featuring this recurring plot is Nand. And in the sixteenth episode, and in a dramatic turn of events, Saqib divorced his wife Rabi` three times after he was incited by his sister Johar. The drama depicts Johar as an evil sister-in-law who cannot stand his brother-in-law and is determined to make Rabih’s life a living hell. The divorce scene was executed in the most dramatic manner, with Gohar accusing Rabih of having an extramarital affair and threatening to kill herself if Saqib did not take any action, which eventually leads to his wife being divorced.

a statement:

Revelation garnered praise for its effective storytelling and stellar execution. In addition, Wejdan’s unwavering support for “Kashf” was admired and exemplary by the audience. But the tables turn after Wijdan and Kashif get married, and problems arise because of their different goals. To the audience’s surprise, Bogdan ends up divorcing Kashf after she refuses to go with him in front of her entire family. Gunjan is goaded by his mother and challenged by Kashf’s father who is unable to take action, which leads to publicly divorcing his beloved wife.

This scene not only broke the beloved on-screen couple that was lauded by the audience, but also did not set a good precedent for a woman encouraging his son to divorce his wife.

Man Mayal:

Even the beloved series, which aired in 2016, couldn’t escape the clutches of this troubling trend. The story unfolds around Manu, who is forced into an unwilling marriage to Mikael. Mikael, a rich and arrogant young man, mistreats his wife. Despite Manu’s valiant efforts to save their union, one day he sees Mikael, fueled by anger and hatred, divorce her and cruelly evicts her and their children, leaving them homeless. This depiction once again underscores the excitement that recurs in such scenes.


The film revolves around Saba Faraz (Sanam Baloch), a determined and ambitious young woman, and Amar Saud (Ali Rehman Khan), a charismatic and charismatic businessman who hides a narcissistic nature. Saba fell in love with Ammar, after he fell in love with him and she agreed to marry him. But only after their marriage did Ammar reveal his true identity. He exposes her to disrespect and disparagement, and overshadows their relationship.

When Saba receives a job offer from Ammar’s workplace, his jealousy for her burgeoning career grows exponentially, and his rejection manifests itself in the most cruel way imaginable. Driven by his wounded ego and fiery rage, he recklessly utters the word of divorce, leaving Saba devastated.

The long-term effects of these troubling trends:

These examples highlight how frequently husbands are seen giving vocal divorces to their wives. This is not only toxic, but wrong on many levels, as it sends the wrong message to the masses, most of whom are not fully aware of the essence of divorce laws and Islamic rulings on divorce.

Moreover, this narrative trend also sows the seeds of fear in women, due to the threat of divorce. And by doing so, he inadvertently diminishes the sanctity of what should be a cherished and unblemished relationship between the partners.

Legal procedures for divorce in Pakistan:

According to the available information on divorce laws in Pakistan, the following is stated:

According to the Muslim Personal Status Law and under Article 7 of the Muslim Family Law, the husband can pronounce the divorce verbally as well as by means of a divorce deed. The husband must send a written notice by registered mail to the Syndicate Council or the government office concerned with issuing divorce certificates.

The husband must mention in the aforementioned notification the address of his ex-wife, which enables the government office to issue notices to her by registered mail and to form an arbitration board within 30 days of receiving the notice for the purpose of conciliation and settlement, if possible.

Verbal divorce is not recognized under the law, and the husband’s failure to send written notice to the government office is considered a failure to divorce in law. However, it is also important to note that according to Islamic scholars, divorce once pronounced by the husband and khula once obtained from the court are effective and binding.

Our verdict

There is a fine line between dramatizing a novel to make it appealing to the audience and going too far to hurt the feelings of the audience or point out the wrong message.

Divorce is a serious situation that must be dealt with sensitively, especially in a society where women are already struggling to have their demands and rights met. Exaggerating verbal divorce, and encouraging it to some extent, harms society.

Here, drama makers must truly realize their deep social responsibility. It is necessary that they refrain from weaving such painful scenes for the sake of excitement only. Balancing entertainment with an ethical narrative is the hallmark of conscious content creation, and this responsibility should not be taken lightly.


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