Content creation in the world of artificial intelligence


We don’t have to tell you that the world of SEO is always evolving. do you know that.

While the overarching goal of SEO remains the same, year after year, the industry’s obstacles, challenges, best practices, tactics, and measures of success often change.

So, what are the things SEO professionals will focus on the most in 2023 and into 2024?

Content creation and strategy.

According to our Third Annual State of Search Engine Optimization (SOS) Report.Content and production strategy has become the most challenging aspect of SEO jobs, the main focus of SEO professionals’ work, and the most effective overall strategy.

Let’s wrap around this finding for a moment: SEO professionals say that content and content strategy are the hardest part of their jobs and the most effective strategies they use.

Generative AI as a content SEO solution

It should come as no surprise, then, that artificial intelligence — especially generative AI — is causing major disruption to the SEO industry.

more 81% of respondents to our SOS survey said that generative AI had influenced their SEO strategy at least to some extent.

While generative AI has some SEO experts worried about the future of organic traffic, many see it as a powerful tool to help automate the content development and production process.

68% of SEO professionals looking to automate tasks or use an AI-powered service, according to our SOS report. And many already do.

Should you follow them? Most likely, yes.

Generative AI offers amazing capabilities when it comes to content strategy and creation, and it can be a solution A game changer for your SEO productivity.

But it does have its limitations, which you should still be aware of.

Now that all of your competitors are using it, standing out from the crowd will be a daily challenge.

How to effectively leverage artificial intelligence in content and content strategy

Here are some ways to leverage AI to make your content strategy and content processes more efficient without sacrificing quality.

An important reminder: For each of the strategies we cover in this post, we recommend reviewing the generated content for accuracy and editing it to make it unique and original to your voice.

1. Reuse existing content

If you have compelling content, Generative AI tools It can help you get more juice out of it.

All it takes is feeding the content to the AI ​​tool and having it present the correct information in a new format.

Let’s say you have a new research report that you want to promote (eg Our SOS Report!).

Simply copy and paste the contents of the report into your creative AI tool Ask him to create a blog article or social media post Highlighting the main takeaways.

If you want a little more hands-on but want a little help getting started, ask him to pull a few quotes and then provide a bullet summary.

Here are some examples of AI tools you can use to repurpose existing content:

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT: maybe heard about this? If you are looking to use AI to enhance your content process, ChatGPT is a great starting point. You can present it with your existing content and ask it to create a summary, simplification, or even a new angle. This is a great time-saving tool if you want to turn a long article into a shorter, more engaging one.
  • waveIf you have a podcast or audio clips that you’d like to take advantage of on social media, you might want to give Wavve a try. Wave leverages artificial intelligence to scan your audio, find the best clips for you, then create audio charts with captions and visuals for social media. So you get content optimized for your social audiences with a fraction of the effort.

2. Automated keyword search

Did you know that you can use artificial intelligence to automate your keyword research?

AI can analyze a large number of data at once, so it can be a useful tool for identifying keywords that fit your content strategy, search volume, and competition.

Remember that chatbots cannot do keyword research on their own. You need to provide data. However, the tool can help you work with the data you provide.

Here are some examples of AI tools you can use to help you research your keywords:

  • SEO server: This tool uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to help you save time researching and grouping keywords. Based on the data you provide, Surfer analyzes massive amounts of data to make suggestions for things like keyword-related content ideas, content structure, and topic groups.
  • ink: Another tool to help you get the best results with more efficiency, INK has features dedicated to both keyword research and keyword grouping. Just provide it with data such as the primary topic, target audience, and target audience, and INK will give you a downloadable list of relevant keywords, their volume, trends over time, CPC, difficulty, etc.

3. Content analysis

Why spend time digging through datasets when AI can do it for you?

Imagine that you want to analyze the performance of your social media content over the past six months. You can enter raw performance data into the AI ​​tool and it will be analyzed for you.

Perhaps you would like to see the highest performing post types in a tabular format or find out which social platform provides the best return on investment (ROI).

AI can extract these data points or highlight trends that are important to you in the blink of an eye.

Here are some examples of AI tools you can use to help you analyze your content:

  • polymerSifting through content data and deciding what story to tell—and how to tell it—can be cumbersome. Polymer is an AI-powered tool that gives customers “the power to confidently explore, visualize, and present their data.” It can import data from many different sources, helping you decide which design performs best and even how to optimize ad budgets. It can also create data visualizations and create custom dashboards for you based on your information.

4. Optimize your content

Marketers know that search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to success — but they don’t always have the time, resources, or even the knowledge to make it happen.

This is where artificial intelligence comes in.

It can analyze a piece of content that you have already created and suggest how to improve it for better results. You can ask it to suggest places for internal links, opportunities to use certain words, or ways to rewrite the text to better suit a specific audience.

Here are some examples of AI tools you can use to help you improve your content:

  • Yost seoYoast is a popular WordPress plugin, and for good reason. With the help of artificial intelligence, Yoast can analyze your content and provide you with data on readability, keyword usage, and overall SEO – so you can put your best foot forward when it comes to your content.
  • Semrush SEO writing assistant: If you want to create SEO optimized content to take your competitors out of the competition, this tool can help you. It uses AI to analyze your content and give you tips on making your copy more SEO friendly, maintaining a consistent tone of voice, and improving engagement.

5. Customization and segmentation

Need help segmenting the audience? Artificial intelligence is your friend.

Provide the AI ​​tool of your choice with your audience data and the parameters you’re looking for, and it can segment your audience for you.

Then, you can leverage this information to improve your personalization efforts by creating content tailored to your target audience.

Moreover, many AI models can do this Translate content into other languages or modify it for specific audiences.

So, if you want to edit a blog post to speak to people in the UK (instead of the US), you can ask the generative AI to help you make it more relevant to that audience.

Here are some examples of AI tools you can use to help you with personalization and segmentation:

  • Copy. aiIf you have ever translated something manually, you know that it is time consuming and complicated. can translate marketing content from product descriptions to e-books to advertisements. Leveraging artificial intelligence, the tool can help you create translations that are SEO friendly, optimized for search engines, and in tune with your brand voice – all while keeping in mind the nuances of each language.
  • dynamic return: If you want to get the most out of your audience data, Dynamic Yield can help. The tool collects your customer data from a variety of sources, both digital and offline. From there, it can help you with complex segmentation, audience management, content personalization, targeting, and more — everything you need to improve your customer experience.

Artificial Intelligence and Content: How it stands out from the crowd

As mentioned earlier in the article, more and more marketers are turning to AI for help with their content strategy and creation process.

And over time, the noise of AI content will become harder to get past.

So, how do you do that? Here are some best practices.

lead originality

It may seem obvious, but it is often overlooked. AI can do many things, but it cannot simulate human touch.

To stand out from the crowd of automated content, focus on bringing authenticity to every piece of content you post to the world.

Infuse everything you create with unique personal insights, anecdotes, and stories. This is where the AI ​​is limited and where you can excel.

Highlight your expertise

You are an expert in your field or specialty and you should rely on that.

No matter what type of content you create, focus on ensuring that you get the most out of it Knowledge and experience shine through And position yourself as an authority in this space.

Make sure you identify your specific target audience, and create tailored content for them.

Show them that you have the knowledge in this area and that they can come to you for advice and guidance.

Keep experimenting

With search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing in general, it is important to stay one step ahead of others. So be sure to keep experimenting with different content types and formats.

Whether you’re using AI to help your content process, try different strategies to see what engages your audience – and then double down on what does.

Stay adaptable and push yourself to keep innovating with your content – and keep pushing AI to find new ways it can help you.

In summary

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence has revolutionized the search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing industries in general – and this is just the beginning.

The good news is that, so far, most SEO professionals are optimistic about the potential impact of AI.

Among the respondents to our SOS report, the majority (72.4%They think it will help their business more or less this year.

So, as you approach content and content strategy this year, know this: Generative AI is here to help you automate things.

Focus on maintaining the quality of your content and staying one step ahead of the competition, and you might find yourself with a little extra time in your day!

If you want to see all the first party data and get more knowledge, Download the SEO Status Report..

Featured image: LightSpring/Shutterstock


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