Google is adding more links in AI-generated SGE summaries


Google is adding more links to webpages within summaries generated by artificial intelligence in generative search experience (SGE).

This improvement makes it easier for people to visit webpages that support the information presented in the summary.

Previously, researchers had to scroll below the abstract to find links to source pages.

During testing, Google says that users found SGE simpler and more intuitive when the links can be accessed within the generated topic overview.

Starting today, clicking the arrow icon next to the information in the overviews of SGE topics will take you to a selection of relevant pages.

The change comes as Google expands the availability of its experimental AI search feature in India and Japan after months of testing in the US.

However, the extended selection of web page links in topic overviews is limited to the United States

It is not a substitute for traditional research

Google says SGE is designed to supplement, not replace, traditional search results.

The company has acknowledged that generative AI has faced criticism over possible misinformation.

Linking facts directly to sources is one way Google aims to address concerns. The company stated that connecting users to trusted websites remains a priority even as it explores applications of artificial intelligence.

“It’s important to note that generative AI in search remains an experiment,” Google said. “We will continue to test different ways of presenting results and listening to feedback.”

Google announces early positive feedback about SGE

Google said early user feedback has been positive, with higher satisfaction scores among the younger demographic.

“In the few months since we launched generative AI into research, we have found in our research that people have a positive experience, using SGE to help with more complex queries and entirely new types of questions. We are also seeing the highest satisfaction scores among younger users (aged 18 and 24), who say they enjoy being able to ask follow-up questions during a conversation.

Through overviews of topics generated by artificial intelligence, SGE is said to help researchers understand topics faster, gain new perspectives, and get tasks done efficiently.

“People tell us they find suggested follow-up questions useful to see examples of how they can improve their search, and they ask longer, more conversational questions in complete sentences because generative AI in search can help them quickly find what they’re looking for. In general, we see people experiment with search queries. Searches they never thought they could search before, which creates new opportunities for Google to be useful.

SGE expands to India and Japan

Google is expanding its experimental AI-powered search capabilities to more countries.

SGE is now available in India and Japan after being tested in the US for several months.

Hema Boudaraju, Senior Director of Product Management for Search at Google, said in an announcement:

“Now, more people around the world can use generative AI in search for everyday help, and we look forward to expanding to more countries in the future.”

Japanese users can use the generative AI capabilities in their local language.

In India, SGE will be available in both English and Hindi. Indian users will also have the option to speak with queries and listen to voice responses.

In summary

Google is improving its artificial intelligence experimental search feature, SGE, by adding more webpage links within summaries to fact-check and increase traffic to publishers.

As Google expands the availability of SGE, it is emphasizing that traditional search is complemented, not replaced. Google aims to improve the experience further based on feedback.

Featured image: Koshiro K/Shutterstock


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