
Content Marketing for Law Firms: 10 Tips for Creating Engaging Content | Good2b is social


(Author: Noreen Fishman)

Content marketing for law firms is tricky. Unfortunately, fun, exciting, and engaging are not usually the first words people use to describe content in the legal field. The content that most law firms publish often gets a bad reputation for being boring and uninteresting. Many digital marketers will also shy away from working in the legal field and avoid legal marketing ventures because they find the work uninteresting and boring. However, any law firm looking to demonstrate knowledge and experience to potential clients and clients needs to create and publish engaging content.Content marketing for law firms

Content marketing for law firms provides plenty of opportunities for lawyers and law firms to develop unconventional and innovative ideas and strategies. Here are some tips for creating engaging and engaging content for your law firm.

Content marketing tips for law firms

1. Create content that covers each step of the customer journey

When creating engaging marketing content for your law firm, it is important to know your audience. Instead of trying to attract a large group of users online, try to create content that relates directly to your target audience and where they are in the customer journey.

The customer journey consists of four phases: Awareness, Reflection, Conversion, and Retention. To create content for each of these stages, you must first understand them. Take a look at this Podcast When mapping your customer journey to see how to better optimize your content at every step.

Buyer's Journey for Law Firms

2. Make your main point clear

Elements such as the title, meta description, URL, and introduction You should make the purpose of your content very clear. Headings and intros are the user’s first impression and your only chance to get them to click on them and keep reading.

Don’t be overwhelmed with stylistic choices when it comes to your introduction and meta description. Capture their attention while at the same time showing what you are going to discuss in this piece of content.

Finally, make sure that headings and subheadings give readers a good idea of ​​what each section is about. Remember: Readers exist because they want answers. Don’t lead them down the rabbit hole, unable to find the answer to their questions.

3. Shape the content around your target audience’s weaknesses

Everything you create should keep your target audience in mind. Start by creating an ideal customer profile, based on the demographics, interests, lifestyle, and attributes of your target audience. Then identify the most important points/questions your customer faces.

From there, you can come up with content that offers solutions to these problems and addresses the stress they are feeling.

Check out this free guide to help create the perfect customer profile: A law firm’s guide to creating the perfect client profile.

4. Use different formats to your advantage

There are many different types of content you can submit, such as blogs, e-books, and white papers. Even blogs alone have a lot of sub-genres like how-to guides, lists, think-tanks, etc.

Think about how much information you will need to adequately answer your target audience’s question or address their weakness. If it takes a lot of reading, consider creating a file ebook. Or if there’s something you feel can be delivered quickly, create an easy-to-follow list.

Don’t waste your time uploading eBook-sized blogs when you can put that information into a split format and get a better response.

Finally, consider trying other types of content such as webinars or videos to educate your audience while staying engaged. In our experience, many users would rather learn about complex topics via audio and video content rather than get obsessed with a long, drawn-out blog post.

5. Create content that appeals to the human experience

Online users often respond to content that is attractive, emotional, and/or controversial. With that in mind, there are ways to create content that truly resonates with your target audience. Educating your audience about current trends and developments in the law is one way to do this.

Marketers need to ensure that their content is timely and relevant to their target audience. Think of ways to incorporate current events, pop culture, and trending topics into your content to capture and interest your audience. Try to create content that is relevant and interesting to your audience. You want to make sure that your content resonates with your audience and encourages engagement. Make sure your content is original and doesn’t sound overly technical.

6. Use visuals/videos as needed

Readers today are more eager to work through blog posts or longer pieces of content if they are full the picturesgraphics, or videos. If you’re breaking down something with a lot of vocabulary, consider creating a colorful graph to go along with it. If you want to expand on a topic, create a short explainer video on the topic with more information.

Above all, make the visuals engaging and entertaining. Stock images are fine when necessary, but creating your content where you can will help make your writing more engaging.


Charts for law firms

7. Get rid of negative knowledge

Law firms, in particular, can often be guilty of producing negative content that only informs and provides excessive technical savvy. This method can work for SEO but is not conversion efficient. While creating content that informs may only reach the audiences who are looking for that particular information, so does the content that uses it applied knowledge It can attract a broader demographic of potential customers. Content based on applied knowledge not only presents information but also helps the viewer to understand the information. It should inspire, guide and help the reader to take action on any issue or topic.

Using applied knowledge in your content marketing shows your audience that you understand and experience them. The most important aspect here is not to overwhelm your customer with overly technical or boring information. Instead, apply the information in a way that best suits your customer’s needs and wants. This is also a great opportunity to incorporate charts and graphs into your content to share numerical and technical data in a more intuitive way. Providing applicable knowledge enables the client to make informed decisions and builds confidence that your company provides valuable expert information.

8. Use storytelling to your advantage

Just explaining the legal terms can be very tedious. Amplify your content by embedding storiesExamples and metaphors to facilitate understanding. Not only does this help you make your points more clear, but it also makes your writing fun to read.

9. Write in an informal tone – avoid legal jargon

Imagine if you read a chemist’s blog after googling how baking powder works, and he simply explained the process in the vocabulary of chemistry without elaborating on it? Although the terms may seem easy to understand to you, this is not always the case for the general public. Although readers are looking for information, they will click through very quickly if they find it difficult to understand the blog.

Above all, try to write the way you speak. Consider having someone read your writing who is not in the legal field. Or try speaking what you type out loud. If the words don’t flow off the tongue naturally and sound like everyday conversation, they may be too formal for online readers.

10. Make it actionable

Sure it’s nice to hear legal terms or news explained, but what should readers do about it? Type in a secondCall-to-action for law firm blogs person so that it is clear what you want the reader to think or do. And don’t forget to include an easy to follow method call to action at the end so the reader knows exactly what to do next.


Boring and uninteresting content can prevent you from attracting, securing, and retaining new customers. Legal marketers can get creative by producing insightful and engaging content that captures prospects and customers every step along the buyer’s journey, appeals to the human experience, and uses applied knowledge. This type of content has the power to attract potential clients and increase awareness of the services your law firm provides.

Need help with content marketing for law firms? Are you having difficulty developing a cohesive content strategy that resonates with your target audience? We can help.

This article has been edited and republished as of September 8, 2019.


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