
Chicago workers and restaurants would be better off with the Fair Pay Act


While reading the Aug. 23 editorial “When it comes to restaurants and tips, allies of Brandon Johnson need to be careful what they wish for.” I’ve noticed the Tribune editorial staff claiming that raising the wages of tipped workers was one of several laws “that no one really wants.” However, many tipped workers in Chicago have signed the petition asking for a single fair wage — the full minimum wage with tips on top — and thousands have left the industry, for reasons such as low wages and tips. The editorial board might want to consider: If no one wants this kind of law, why has the city just elected a mayor who the board acknowledges has campaigned for one fair pay?

As someone who has worked in Chicago restaurants for over 14 years, I know that not only do the workers deserve a full fair wage with tips on top, but both the workers and the Chicago restaurants will be better off as well. Seven states already require restaurants to pay the full minimum wage with tips on top. If small restaurants in the One Fair Wage states like Alaska can do it, Chicago can do it too. And Average tipping in some states is fair wages Those that require the full minimum wage with tips on top, such as Alaska, Oregon, and Montana, are higher than the average tip in Illinois.

Perhaps the most bizarre point the board makes is that this is not necessary because employers are supposed to make up the difference to bring workers up to the full minimum wage and enforcement would suffice. And in 2014, the Barack Obama administration found it 5 out of 6 restaurants broke the law Regarding the minimum wage for tipping workers. ProPublica recently published in-depth research into federal and New York wage theft, finding that the restaurant industry was the worst offender. It accounts for more than 25% of all reported wage theft.

Next time, the editorial staff should talk to the restaurant workers before they object to paying us fair wages.

— Terry Evans, owner, Windy City Ribs & Whiskey

Recent article on student loan repayment (“Staring into the financial abyss” It shows us why the US Supreme Court reached the conclusion that loan forgiveness must be a legislative decision rather than a unilateral act of the president, a conclusion to which Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House agreed.

The article discusses a vascular surgery resident, who is looking to have an annual income of $325,000; a counselor who assists people earning more than $90,000; And a receptionist who makes just over $18 an hour. Many people will come to vastly different conclusions about which, if any, of these professionals they should get a $10,000 to $20,000 loan term. Others will conclude that a hypothetical high school graduate of Chief Justice John Roberts who borrowed money to start a landscaping service has a better right to government largesse.

Most people want to forgive all or part of their loans – credit cards, cars, mortgages, etc. .

Choices must be made, and the decision as to who receives such exemptions must be made by the legislature, not by executive orders.

— William Schmalzel, Naples, Florida

As a senior, I appreciate the issues that Dr. Corey Franklin and Nurse Victoria Teller discussed in their August 25 op-ed (“Ethical implications of prescribing new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease”). As the arsenal of Alzheimer’s treatment options grows in the future, this is expected to become increasingly troubling for patients with reduced capacity. Who will get involved and when?

Being sane today, I get it. But I suspect that Franklin and Teller attribute the slow progress of research to disinterested government funders, drug companies, and the medical community. In fairness, there have been dozens of other medical complaints that require more urgent research attention since Alzheimer’s disease was discovered in 1910. Some of these diseases contributed significantly to life expectancy, which reached just 50 years in that year, rising to Only 65 years after World War II. . And it is only with the aging baby boomers that the ranks have grown to force a much higher research priority on this disease of aging.

The biggest concern comes at huge initial expense to pharmaceutical companies, which are looking for prescription drug candidates to develop for FDA approval. The safety-driven process takes years and tens of millions of dollars to complete for a single drug. Doctors, government funders, and patients await this operation.

So, a little respect, please, for the managers criticized here. As someone once remarked at the FDA-regulated store where I worked: Science can’t be rushed, whether it’s a priority or not. Alzheimer’s research is moving as fast as it can.

– Tom Gregg, Niles

Despite being a bear lover, I visited Lambeau Field on a short vacation to Wisconsin. What an eye opening experience. Home of the hated Green Bay Packers, Lambeau Stadium is the epitome of what every football team’s home stadium should be like. First of all, because the Packers are owned by their fans who have bought shares in the franchise, it is a true reflection of what the football field should mean to them.

The stadium displays the names of the 28 members of the Packer Pro Hall of Famers. Running through the Packer entrance to the stadium is amazing. Seeing the various facilities in Lambo that are available for use by businesses and individuals, and which generate additional revenue for the franchise, also proves to be insightful.

Furthermore, Lambeau also houses the Packers Hall of Fame, where individual athletes and their accomplishments are on impressive display. After visiting the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, I can say that the Canton Hall needs some work to match the Green Bay Hall.

Finally, Lambeau’s Packers Pro Shop reminds you of a modern section of space, decor, and unlimited supply of Packers memorabilia.

The Bears, who have been roaming the NFL wilderness since 1985, must make sure that if, when and where they get a new stadium, it at least matches Lambeau’s, not only as a home stadium but also as a shrine to Lambeau. Another greatest NFL team ever.

Hopefully, the new management will not only build a winning team, but also a great place for the Bears to play.

— Dean Dranias, Plainfield

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