
43% reported a lack of family support – Forbes Advisor


A total of 689,308 divorces occurred in 2021, and nearly half of all first marriages end in divorce with subsequent marriages failing at even higher rates.

When spouses divorce, they must declare it Reasons divorce In court – this is the reason for the termination of marriage and dictates type of divorce being filed.

Most people choose a no mistakedivorcePointing out irreconcilable differences. And irreconcilable differences are indeed a common cause of divorce, with 31% of couples who ended their marriage citing incompatibility as the reason.

However, while incompatibility is a common cause of divorce, infidelity remains a bigger problem. In all, 34% of marriages among respondents ended because of an affair. Adultery is one of the causes of a wrong divorce In court. However, even when an affair occurred outside of marriage, spouses sometimes seek a no-fault divorce rather than a fault divorce because it is easier.

Other common reasons for divorce include:

  • Lack of family support
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Lots of conflict and
  • financial pressures.

However, while these problems cause the marriage to end, couples who divorce do not always realize that these problems are signs that the marriage is in trouble. Only 21% of respondents said that the lack of approval of a spouse by family or friends was a sign that the marriage was in jeopardy, although lack of family support was a major factor in 43% of divorces.

The most common reasons people get married

To understand the causes of divorce, it is helpful to understand the reasons why people get married.

Among the divorcees surveyed, financial security was the most common motivating factor, with 42% of respondents marrying for security.

Women were more likely than men to indicate that they married for financial reasons, with 44% of women reporting that this led to their union. With a persistent gender pay gap resulting in women being paid 22.2% less than men on average in 2022, it is not surprising that more women feel the need for a partner to help provide support. However, love came in second, with 39% of women saying that love is the main reason for their marriage.

Companionship was also a driving force, with 39% of all respondents indicating that their desire for a companion led them to marriage. This was the main reason men got married, with 42% citing it as their motivation. The desire to start a family was the second most common factor for men.

Other reasons for married people include commitment, convenience, medical insurance, legal reasons, and societal and family pressures.

The most common reasons for divorce

The most common reason for divorce was surprising: lack of family support. However, there were many other reasons for unions to end, with grounds for divorce varying based on how long the couple had been together.

  • Those who divorced quickly were more likely to end their marriage because they found they couldn’t get along. In fact, 59% of people who dissolved their union within the first year of marriage cited incompatibility.
  • Lack of family support has become a bigger problem with time. It was the main cause of divorce among those who ended their marriage within the second to eighth years.
  • Finally, long-term couples were generally driven to divorce because of very serious issues, with infidelity and lack of intimacy causing most divorces once a couple had been married for nine years or more.

The relationship between reasons for marriage and divorce

When a person is motivated to marry because of a certain unfulfilled desire, this increases the chances of marriage failure. As a result, it is not surprising that there is a correlation between reasons for marriage and reasons for divorce.

Most couples who married for companionship, financial security, convenience, medical insurance, legal reasons, or the desire to start a family blamed incompatibility for their divorce. Not surprisingly, those who marry because they want a mate are more likely to end the marriage if they don’t get along. It is also not surprising that people who are motivated by factors other than love – such as legal reasons, convenience or a desire for security – find that they are not compatible with their chosen partner.

On the other hand, couples who married due to societal or family pressures were more likely to divorce due to extramarital affairs. Those couples who felt pressured into a commitment were less likely to keep it.

And those who married as a formal act of commitment were more likely to end the marriage due to a lack of intimacy. Perhaps their desire to consolidate the relationship through marriage was an indication that they felt the lack of this close bond even before the wedding.


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