
8 Website Design Tips for Law Firms | Good2b is social


(Author: Noreen Fishman)

Your website is a reflection of your company. Ideally, it enhances your brand and your voice, but although there are many different directions you can take with a site, there are some best practices when it comes to Law firm website design This should always be followed. Great web design always supports positive user experience and effective functionality. Here are 8 simple principles to make your law firm’s website more attractive.

Tips for designing a law firm website

1. Keep your homepage simple and clutter-free

The first page of your website should convey your key messages right away, without much reading or clicking. Remember that people are scanning instead of reading, so your website should be designed accordingly. Design to reduce attention span and focus on segmenting the content and making the material more engaging. Try these tactics for designing a law firm website:

  • Keep your most important content above the fold.
  • Dump the content and use plenty of white space between elements.
  • Connect the dots using high-quality media features such as photographs or diagrams.
  • Make sure to include a A call to action for the next desired behavior

2. Consider the visual hierarchy

Hierarchy is a crucial element of law firm website design. By using hierarchy correctly in your design, you can display your content in a clear and effective manner. The basic principle is to direct the attention of site visitors to certain elements on the page in order of priority, starting with the most important information. The main components include the size, weight and placement of the items. In terms of size and weight, highlight your most important assets by making them larger. Things like your company name and logo should be more visible. Readers tend to view the larger items first and then move on to the smaller items. In terms of placement of items, you want to make sure that the visitor’s eyes are pointing in the right direction. For example, put the CTA key in the middle of the screen. Then use color, contrast, and spacing to make your content stand out even more. Always be aware of what will attract the most attention when adding it to your web pages. A bar or grid layout is usually best for achieving visual hierarchy when it comes to this Law firm website design.

3. Write web content that is easy to read

Readability is a measure of how easy it is to recognize the words and sentences on your website. When a site’s readability score is high, visitors can easily scan it. For greater readability, try these tips:

  • Make sure there is enough contrast between the text color and the background color.
  • Use a larger font size (best practice for body text is 16pt or higher).
  • Choose simple lines that are less decorative and more plain.
  • Do not use more than three typefaces on a single website.

To help create hierarchy and organize text, use a variety of sizes and weights according to a consistent theme (eg, a larger heading, smaller subheadings, then a smaller version).

4. Make sure the site is easy to navigate

solid navigation It makes things easy for your visitors and also sends positive signals to search engines. A best law firm website design practice is to use your logo as a link to the home page in the top corner. Your website menu should be easy to find and organized according to the importance of each section. If your site requires a lot of scrolling, you will need a linking menu so that visitors can quickly access any part of it. It is also a good practice to place important links in the footer of your website. People expect to find contact information, social media icons, and other relevant links there.

5. Prioritize mobile compatibility

All of your visitors should be able to use your site with relative ease. Mobile phone users now make up More than half of website traffic, so modern websites need to take this into account. the Mobile version The design of a law firm website should be cleaner and less cluttered than the desktop version. You can minimize page elements or shrink assets such as menus. The best way to calculate mobile is to create a responsive website, which automatically adjusts to improve user experience depending on the device being used.

6. Focus on user experience

While it’s nice to be creative with your design, you don’t want to be so creative that your design becomes unintuitive. Focus on having a clean, simple design that’s easy to follow. Make sure your navigation is logical and easy to find from any page.

7. Keep it consistent

A website becomes easier to navigate if each page has similar navigation and design. Therefore, don’t have your navigation bar displayed at the top on one page and then in the left corner on another. This makes navigation confusing.

8. Use white space

You don’t have to be afraid of white space when it comes to website design. Having too much white space sure makes a site look boring, but white space has a purpose when it comes to website design. Use white space appropriately to divide text and images and create a clean, modern design.


Besides studying law firm website design best practices, take some time to find inspiration in other websites and read the latest design trends. A sophisticated and responsive website is your best marketing tool.


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