
14 Tactics Law Firms Can Use to Improve Their Webinars | Good2b is social


(Author: Noreen Fishman)

72% of marketers believe that webinars have a direct impact on revenue. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many industries have recognized the importance of conducting webinars, including law firms. But running a successful webinar is a lot easier said than done. It is not enough to simply set up a Zoom meeting, law firms must implement tactics that allow their webinars to serve as a tool for generating brand awareness and leads. Now that many companies have learned the basics since the pandemic, they may be looking for ways to take their webinars to the next level.

Here are 14 techniques law firms can use to improve their webinars:

1. Make it solution-based

Your audience will get the most out of your webinar, and they’re more likely to sign up, if your webinar relieves some of the stress they’re feeling. Take a look at your customers’ personalities when discovering what the webinar is about and try to have a deep understanding of the challenges they face and how a webinar can solve them.

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2. Interact with your audience in the promotion phase

The promotion stage is crucial to the success of your law firm webinar. We recommend that you start promoting your webinar after one month has passed. This promotional phase is the time for you to start building valuable connections with your audience and articulating the value proposition of the webinar. Be sure to post on social media, post blog posts that raise the issue, and send powerful emails. All such promotional tools must include details of what will be discussed in the webinar and must contain a cookie Call to action Leads users to sign up. As you send these items, be sure to pay attention to any responses and promptly answer any questions people may have. You will also want to create a sense of urgency by indicating the time left to register or the number of places left.

3. Focus on designing a premium chipset

The slide deck is what keeps people interested throughout the webinar and encourages them to stay and become warmer leads. Remember these design tips when creating your slide deck:

  • Try to use some type of picture or graphics on each slide
  • Limit the amount of text on each slide and keep the text in short bullet format
  • The visuals should relate to the topic discussed in a clear way, and consider creating infographics to link them to the topics
  • Use a large font
  • Use contrasting colors between the text and the background, usually choosing the light background and dark text
  • Avoid crowded backgrounds
  • Add a title to each slide that covers the sub-topic discussed
  • Include the table of contents at the beginning
  • Align colors and font with consistent branding and include your logo on every slide
  • Make use of the empty space to make sure the slides are not too colorful
  • Have one or two consistent designs throughout your presentation

4. Create a hashtag Hashtag search

Simplify your social media conversations by creating a profile hashtag for your webinar. This way your company and other users can easily have conversations before and after the webinar.

5. Collaborate with a thought leader

Even though you likely have many experts in your company, it’s great to look to others to help you expand your business. Not only will they bring a new and exciting angle to your webinar, but they can also promote the webinar to their audience, increasing the volume of registrations you will get.

6. Get ready

Be sure to meet any speakers beforehand. You will need everyone to understand which slides they will be speaking on. Consider having a dedicated host introduce the speakers and their backgrounds. Be sure to practice your tempo and speaking points, but make sure your speakers are prepared so that they don’t sound overly rehearsed and that you maintain a more casual tone.

7. Add social media handles to your presentation Facebook ads errors

To make sure that connection with your audience goes beyond the actual day of the webinar, include your law firm’s social media handles and speakers. This way users can easily follow everyone and you can interact with them more.

8. Use different types of media

As mentioned, it is important to have visual elements in your presentation to keep it interesting. Don’t use anything stock photos. Include speaker images, infographics on topics, short videos, GIFs, or share the screen yourself using widgets directly when necessary.

9. Engage your audience in unique ways

Keep your audience engaged by including polls, questions, or quizzes throughout the webinar. This helps keep them engaged and keeps your presentation interesting.

10. Include the offer Webinar for a law firm

One great way to generate interest is to include a special offer in your webinar such as a free eBook download or free giveaway. Enjoy this offer while promoting the webinar and be sure to say at the beginning of the webinar that you will have more details about the offer at the end.

Download the free ebook: Law firm guide to digital marketing analytics

11. Focus on time

You’ll need to keep your audience’s time zones in mind. Don’t set too early or too late in the day, and don’t set times when people will be commuting. Focus on lunchtime, when a lot of people have a break.

12. Make it on demand

The value of your webinar does not end when it ends. You must record each session and make it on demand. After that, you can continue to promote that session on demand as well. This is also great because anyone who missed the webinar can easily watch it.

13. Optimize your landing page Landing page for a law firm

Users will need to go to the registration landing page. You must create a specific landing page for this purpose. Include details such as the date and time, the speaker’s information and background, the topic, and what the attendees will learn. You can take this page to the next level by making use of our chatbot and adding and embedding video Testimonials – Recommendations From past webinars.

14. Use the popup

Instead of linking to your landing page every chance you get, try creating a popup form. To keep it non-intrusive, you can insert this popup slide or have it at the top or bottom of your website so it doesn’t scare visitors away.


Webinars are still a great tool for increasing brand awareness and potential clients. It is best for law firms to improve their webinars over time by making use of these tips.


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