Using AI-powered chatbots to increase searches for your keywords 10X


Many search marketers are now using AI tools to support their search engine optimization efforts, according to international SEO consultant, Alida Solis.

However, while Google has emphasized that AI-generated content is OK as long as it is high-quality, original, and useful, the search engine has also indicated that expertise and content based on real human experience will be rewarded with better visibility.

Finding the right balance is key, Solís explained, and SEOs who fail to do so will likely struggle to compete. SMX Advanced. But where do you start?

Here’s a summary of Solis’ top tips on how marketers can make the most of AI, beyond article creation, to maximize keyword research.

1. Make specific, descriptive, and comprehensive claims

If you want the best possible answers from generative AI tools, Solis said, you need to use the best possible prompts.

“Keep your prompts specific, descriptive, and comprehensive,” she said, before adding that the instructions should address the five Ws and Hs:

  • from is the target audience?
  • What is the expected target?
  • where Will it be used?
  • when Will it be used?
  • Why Do you want to use it?
  • how Do we want to provide that (eg format, language, tone, structure, length)?

Following these quick rules will likely save you a lot of time and produce good results.

2. Inspiration hot topics

You can also generate ideas for hot topics using chatbots. For example, if a TV show (say, “Succession”) is popular, you can leverage AI to figure out the 10 most searched questions about the show, she said:

  • “The AI ​​will present the results in a table, listing the most important questions and the purpose of the research.”
  • “I can then create content based on the popularity of this TV series, which is amazing.”
  • “This can save you a lot of time since now you won’t have to use different tools to get these ideas.”

3. Generate article ideas

Once you discover hot topics using AI, you can connect these results to your brand’s topic expert to produce article ideas.

Solis said she combined her research on “succession” with a website theme about remote work. Amnesty International provided her with five possible article topic ideas:

  • You can also get suggestions based on the top rated articles.
  • “With AI, you can see which pages are already ranking well for the query you want to target.”
  • “I asked for five article topic ideas that would allow me to rank ‘remote work’ based on the current ranking of articles for that query in the top positions (but not copying them), and then prioritize them based on potential popularity level and user search behavior.”
  • “It’s a creative tool!”

4. Dive deep with People ask too Questions

Do you use artificial intelligence to discover the intent behind Google? People ask too Questions? By setting intent, the risk of duplication can also be eliminated, Solís said:

  • “I love People Also Ask — it helps you understand how to structure questions.”

You can use AI to suggest title tags and descriptions for each keyword.

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6. Find out your competition

There’s another great way to use AI in your everyday SEO tasks – use it to learn who your competitors are for specific keywords. Solis explained:

  • “This serves not only as an input for creating content largely, but also to verify and verify that you are actually targeting the right thing.”
  • “For example, if we are looking at the top five websites publishing content about ChatGPT for SEO and what are the top pages publishing about that topic in 2023, you can use this tool to research.”
  • “But you can also check and verify that what you write will provide a new and different angle on a topic that is also already very popular and already covered by major websites in your industry.”

7. Inspiration without duplicity

AI can suggest new, fresh content ideas for topics that competing sites have already covered. Solis said:

  • “You can ask the AI ​​to suggest three topics that have been covered but not repeat topics.”
  • “Just ask the AI ​​to suggest headlines for these topics.”

8. Verification and confirmation

Are you unsure about certain questions, such as “Is one page enough to target two different search queries related to this topic”? Artificial intelligence can help provide the answers. This type of validation also applies to a more international search scenario. Solis added:

  • “You can check if it’s possible to run a query across different country markets with the same pages because you might think, do I need different versions of this page to target this query in the UK versus the US versus Australia? Because even though the language is the same, we We know that in some cases the terminology can be different.”
  • “We can double-check by asking the AI ​​what kind of pages are ranking in the top 10 in the UK, US and Australia.”

9. Get video content ideas

You can also ask the AI ​​for different video content ideas based on trending topics and keywords.

For example, you can ask it to suggest five ChatGPT SEO video topics based on current popular video content. Explaining why this tool can be particularly useful to marketers, Solis said:

  • “Oftentimes, we can get blocked (inspiration) and can’t come up with something new, and it’s hard to identify trending topics to maximize what others haven’t covered yet. This is a great solution.”
  • “We can also get suggestions on hashtags for these videos when optimized for YouTube but without copying those in the top first pages.”

When marketers are working on more technical campaigns, perhaps in the medical or health industries, it is important to be able to provide scientific citations and cite research.

Solis explained that AI tools like Consensus were great for such tasks. She said:

  • “Tools like consensus to get scientific insights that can be cited and linked have been very helpful.”


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