Personal injury

The implementation of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law in China achieves significant results, with a decrease of 5.2% of cases

Photo: I.C

Photo: I.C

According to a report released Monday, the number of domestic violence-related personal injury criminal cases has decreased continuously in the seven years since the introduction of the Domestic Violence Act. The survey data indicates that the percentage of women who were subjected to physical and psychological violence from their husbands in marital relations reached 8.6 percent in 2021, a decrease of 5.2 percentage points compared to 2010.

On December 27, 2015, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress revised and passed the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, marking a new stage in the legal promotion of anti-domestic violence work in China. The report on anti-domestic violence work was submitted to the 14th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for review on Monday.

The report stated that since the implementation of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, in terms of strengthening intervention and disposal procedures, mandatory reporting was first applied to solve the problem of difficulties in detecting domestic violence against minors; second, timely warnings were issued to prevent domestic violence from escalating; third, protection of personal safety orders were issued to prevent violent abuse; Fourth, the functions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to deal with criminal cases involving domestic violence were exercised in accordance with the law.

Over the past seven years, the implementation of China’s Anti-Domestic Violence Law has achieved significant results, and the anti-domestic violence work has made new progress. The public’s awareness of domestic violence has gradually increased, the awareness of self-protection of victims of domestic violence has been enhanced, and the judicial authorities have intervened and eliminated domestic violence in a timely manner, which has led to a continuous decrease in the number of criminal cases related to personal injury. She said it was for domestic violence.

Compared with the number of civil cases involving marriage and family in China, the number of applications for personal safety protection orders is still relatively small. Some victims of domestic violence have a reduced desire to seek relief through public channels, either out of a lack of understanding or fear of submission. In some places, there is a skewed understanding of personal safety protection orders, which leads to reluctance to use this option.

The report specifically notes that from the perspective of propaganda content, there is a lack of robust analysis of misconceptions such as “family problems should not be publicized” and “men are superior to women”.

The role of warning messages and personal safety orders in preventing the escalation of domestic violence requires greater public awareness. Looking at future work, the report said it will improve the mandatory reporting system, improve the warning and disposal system, implement the personal safety protection order system, make full use of the role of shelter institutions, and strengthen the education and correction of domestic violence offenders. Continue to strengthen the role of coordination mechanisms and strengthen social management in relation to domestic violence issues.

Global Times

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