Long tail and multimedia research


SEO in 2023 is a very different beast than SEO in 2013, or even 2018. Although search rankings are no longer affected significantly from algorithm update to algorithm update, staying up to date with the latest practices and guidelines makes a difference. This ensures that the SEOs do not detect any new development or are unable to explain the change in ranking.

So what are the current trends shaping search, and what should SEOs do to respond to them?

Part 1 It addressed the importance of first-hand experience demonstrated by content creators, as described in the Google Search Quality Evaluators Guidelines, and also looked at what generative AI means for search.

In part 2:

The growing “long tail”.

At the end of 2022, Google began rolling out an interface change intended to “make digging deeper” in search easier. Now, Google will suggest relevant keywords to dig deeper into your search term – for example, searching for ‘England World Cup’ will cause Google to suggest adding ‘ranking’, ‘line-up’, ‘wins’ or ‘matches’ to your search. , with additional keywords appearing next to the news and photo options below the search bar.

These keywords will still redirect to Google News and Google Images respectively, but selecting one of the suggested keywords triggers a new search with the added keyword, with the option to dig deeper with additional keywords on the next screen (so, ‘England World Cup’ Matches becomes “Women’s World Cup matches in England”). These “stack” are located on the side of the screen and can be removed individually to zoom back to the broader search query.

Google has begun suggesting additional keywords to narrow a user’s search to help them “dig deeper” on a particular topic.

In its blog announcement about the change, Google wrote: “When you search, our systems automatically show relevant topics to you based on our understanding of how people search and from content analysis across the web.

Both topics and filters are displayed in the order our systems automatically determine is most useful for your specific query. If you don’t see a specific filter that you want, you can find more using the All Filters option, which is available at the end of the row.

in electronic consulting Search and SEO forecasts for 2023Lemuel Park, co-founder of BrightEdge, commented that as a result of this update, “(we can) expect searches to become much longer and more complex… The impact of this will be that SEO will need to focus more on its deeper content and support specific queries Really more than general inquiries.

Multi-media search and multi-search

Visual search – using visual input, rather than text, to conduct research – has been talked about for years (Econsultancy published a report Marketers Guide to Visual Search back in 2018) but it took a while for this trend to gain traction and move beyond isolated and relatively niche e-commerce (or Pinterest) use cases to web search more broadly.

One of the major milestones in this regard was Google’s introduction of The multitasking unified modelOr MUM, an upgrade to artificial intelligence that has enabled Google to correctly interpret even more complex, multipart search queries. Notably, Google describes MUM as “multimodal, which means it can understand information from different formats such as web pages, images, and more, simultaneously.”

Since then, Google has increased its ability to process and output searches in multiple “modes” – primarily images, but also videos and, to some extent, audio. In April 2022, Google announced “multiple searches” with Google Lens, which allows searchers to combine images with keywords — such as taking a picture of a dress and adding “green” — to perform searches that might be difficult to express in words alone.

Google later added to this the “multi-search near me” feature, which displays local results in response to a visual or multimedia search, and also announce This multi search will be expanded to support more than 70 languages.

Lack of reporting presents SEO challenges

While these are exciting developments for researchers, what do they mean in practice for SEO? Unfortunately, it appears as if the reporting of traffic from multiple searches in Google Search Console and Google Analytics is limited: As of October 2022, Glenn Gabe of G-Squared Interactive Investigation GSC tracked multiple search and determined that “there is currently no tracking in Search Console for multiple search.” (More details on Gabe’s methodology can be found in the linked blog post).

As for GA, Gabe concluded that multiple searches are reported as a combination of direct traffic and Google QuickSearchBox, which makes specific tracking of multiple searches difficult. As Gabe points out, this feature is still in the early days and its use may not be particularly important, but it would be useful for site owners to have insight into what role it plays in discovery, if any, and which pages are shown in response to multiple searches. At Google I/O in May, Google revealed Lens is now in use 12 billion visual searches per month – up 50% from eight billion in 2022 – and “an increasing number of these multimedia searches”.

In May 2022, John Mueller Gave some SEO tips Who want to improve multi search:

“…if your images are indexed, we can find your images and we can show them to people when they search that way. (…) (a) if you do everything right, if your content is findable in search, and if If you have images on your content and those images are relevant, we can direct people to those images or to your content using several methods.”

It’s perhaps unsurprising, then, that Google recommends that SEOs optimize multi-search in the same way they optimize “normal” image search – but reporting will undoubtedly be useful in determining whether multiple searches really make a difference.

It is worth noting that Bing only has Bring multimedia capabilities to Bing Chat, allowing users to “upload images and search the web for related content”. Again, it remains to be seen how important this usage will be – a comprehensive report of Bing Chat is due to hit Bing Webmaster Tools soon, but even so, Reports in late May The offering is days away and, at the time of writing, appears to have not been released yet.

Video content and search

SEO has long recognized that video consolidation and optimization opens up ranking and visibility opportunities not present for other types of content, with Google showing dedicated “video swirls” to a large portion of search results (27%, current estimates). Data from Mozcastmaking their penetration slightly lower than knowledge boards at 31.1% and higher than photos at 19.9%.

This seems to be especially true of short videos, which were experimented at some point in a dedicated circuit, and are expected to feature more prominently in Google’s generated search experience (See Part 1 for further discussion of SGE), which Google plans to make more “visual, snackable, personal, and human,” according to internal docs. Seen by The Wall Street Journal.

Google has already revealed that SGE will feature videos and images to help researchers gain a “better understanding” of topics, through experimental View a featured video accompanying an AI-generated summary.

Like all content marketing, video content needs to serve a real purpose and be informative and useful – but when that happens, video content creation can be an SEO boon, as Google has published a bunch of Best practice guidelines To make sure videos are indexed in search.

Key Trends to Know in SEO – Part 1: “Expertise” and Generative AI


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