
Legal Careers During a Recession: Advice for Layoff Lawyers | a priori


Advice for lawyers looking for work during the economic crisis

You may have heard that the legal industry (or at least some of its major sectors) is recession-proof, but that doesn’t mean that legal jobs are protected from the same macroeconomic factors that cause layoffs in technology and other industries. While the outlook for attorneys may be better than average, layoffs can happen to anyone at any time. Although technology sector received the most press in 2023, Law firms were not immune To the trend of recent layoffs. Some predict that this is unfortunate The trend will only continue throughout this year.

Being laid off is incredibly annoying and frustrating. No matter what situation you’re in, there are things you can do to make it easier to manage the situation and come out on the other end feeling better.

Tips to set yourself up for success

While you might be tempted to explore every possible role that you see and take on the first thing that seems like it will work, it’s helpful to take time to think about how you like to work and in what kind of environments you work best.

in Harvard Business ReviewCareer coach Marlo Lyons explains that if you’re looking for any law jobs and all you want is a salary, you might want to take that first opportunity that pops up, but by doing so you risk ending up in a “no job” that doesn’t fulfill your values. But this will leave you disengaged and frustrated. Not only does this put you in a negative position, but it also hinders your future success. It pays to take the time to really think about what your next job will look like.

If you’re looking for a new opportunity, whether it’s because you’ve been laid off or just because you have other career goals, you’ll need to think about your next steps. As you contemplate what comes next for you, here are some tips for making a successful transition in the legal profession:

  1. Highlight your relevant experience. For example, maybe you’re a litigator but are genuinely interested in becoming a transactional attorney, explains Matt Wheatley, Vice President of Client Development at Priori. In this case, you should examine all of your transactional experience and make it the focus of your CV. This can apply to any axis you wish to create.

  2. Click on and expand your network. Although you can find success with cold applications or through a recruiter, building relationships with people who are willing to take a chance can make all the difference in finding the legal jobs you’re looking for – especially if it’s in the field you’re looking for. About not experienced in. Whitley recommends linkedin As a good place to start, you can also check out industry associations, such as Clock, ACC and the Oppaamong many others.

  3. Look to emerging or underdeveloped industries. If you’re passionate about a new and popular area of ​​law, say the cannabis industries or legal gambling, you won’t necessarily be behind the curve if you don’t have much (or any) expertise in the specific subject matter—because few do. Wheatley adds that this can also apply to industries that constantly need more services, such as Data privacy, which is growing larger every year.

  4. Show, not tell, when it comes to your story. Advice for laid-off attorneys at home Legal divingLexion Legal Director Jessica Nguyen suggests gathering some concrete examples of how your skills can make a difference, including data and insights if you can.

Think of non-traditional opportunities

With challenging times ahead, you may be looking to expand your horizons when it comes to the types of legal jobs that will fit your lifestyle. Wheatley points to the many unconventional ways of practicing that lawyers around the world are using to build successful careers. This includes options such as legal marketplaces, alternative legal service providers (ALSPs), and more. They provide support and structure to many previously overlooked avenues that are now more widely available and can offer lawyers a way to build a new career.

One such option that could provide a new and more flexible way of operating as well as building and strengthening an existing practice is a legal marketplace such as Priori. Possible posts you can find span the full range and include the following:

  • Part-time engagements that allow you to continue to use your skills and keep them sharp or to gain new experiences in matters or industries that may not be easy for you to access

  • Full time positions that can create connections leading to a new or permanent role

  • The ability to fully build a sole-to-market practice or provide additional income to your existing sole practice

Whether you want to bridge the gap between your previous role and your next move, or you want a more flexible way of practicing while still receiving compensation comparable to traditional law firms, the legal marketplace can provide you with what you need.


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