
Improving the rating of law firms using effective digital strategies


Small law firms

Understanding Law Firm Rankings is crucial for any legal professional aiming to make their mark in the industry. These rankings, such as ALM’s #1 rankings or American Lawyer’s 2023 list, are a testament to a firm’s reputation and prowess.

This post delves into the different aspects that impact these rankings – from digital marketing strategies like SEO and creating high-quality content to technical elements like website indexing and mobile optimization.

First things first: why digital marketing is essential for law firms
In today’s digital world, law firms need to embrace online marketing to stand out. With fierce competition in the legal sector, a strong digital marketing strategy can help law firms rise in search engine rankings. If you don’t think you need digital marketing, the best thing you can do is research your competitors – if they’re using digital marketing for growth (and they do), they’re basically taking away all of your potential customers.

The power of SEO to boost rankings
Search engine optimization (SEO) is central to any digital marketing strategy. This includes optimizing your website and content to make it easily discoverable by search engines like Google. This increases your visibility and improves your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Advantages of contracting with a professional digital marketing agency
Bringing in a professional legal digital marketing agency that actually understands the law offers many benefits to law firms. Professional digital marketing agencies are experienced in SEO, social media management, and content creation to maximize the online presence of law firms. They understand search algorithms and can implement effective strategies to boost your company’s online presence.

A well-executed digital marketing plan not only attracts potential customers, but also builds your brand credibility. By investing in the services of experts, you ensure that every aspect of research, from keyword research to backlink building, is handled professionally, resulting in better rankings on SERPs.

Indexing problem solving
In the world of digital marketing, indexing is like the secret sauce that determines how your law firm’s website ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Common causes of website indexing issues
There are many things that can disrupt your indexing. Some of them include broken links, server errors, inappropriate site structure, duplicate content, and even Google penalties for not adhering to the rules.

Be sure to take a look at Google Search Console to understand all your online metrics, and where you can improve your website.

Mobile Optimization: The Key to Ranking Success
The decline in your search engine rankings is the result of not having a mobile friendly website.

Why are mobile friendly websites important?
Having a mobile friendly website is not just a trend, it is a necessity. Google focuses on indexing mobile first, which means that it prioritizes mobile content in ranking. So, if your site is not optimized for smartphones, you will lose leads and traffic.

  • User Experience: Responsive design ensures smooth navigation, regardless of the device.
  • Bounce rate: Irrelevant sites lead to frustrated users who bounce back to another website.
  • Social media traffic: Mobile is where most of your social media traffic usually comes from.

The price for twice the mobile optimization
Poorly optimized websites not only annoy users, but they are also penalized by search engines like Google. To avoid this digital disaster, make sure you understand how to optimize your website for mobile, or consider visiting an experienced digital marketing agency.

Create high quality content
In the digital world, creating amazing content is essential to SEO success. It attracts attention, shows your law firm’s expertise, and impresses search engines.

What makes high-quality content?
High-quality content requires it to be relevant, innovative, practical, and easy to understand. It should meet the needs of your audience, offer new perspectives, provide useful solutions, and be easy to understand. Don’t forget to include engaging visuals like charts.

How engaging content boosts search engine optimization
Engaging content works wonders for search engine optimization. It keeps visitors on your website longer, which Google loves. In addition, when people share your premium content, it drives more traffic and boosts your online visibility. Engaging content also builds trust with potential customers. By sharing valuable legal insights and advice, you are positioning yourself as an authority while showing empathy for the challenges they face.

If you are stressed and nervous about writing everything yourself, consider hiring professional writers who know the law and will adhere to ethical standards. They will keep your law firm’s online presence top notch and climb the SERP rankings.

Backlink building strategies for law firms
In the digital world, backlinks are like the cool kids in school — they boost your law firm’s online visibility and make search engines say, “Wow, this site is legit.” (Do kids still say it’s legit?) But building those backlinks takes some serious strategy and following the rules.

The power of quality over quantity
When it comes to building links for law firms, it’s all about quality. Some high-quality links from high-ranking legal sites will improve your SEO more than a bunch of low-quality links. Google is keen on finding great backlinks, so don’t think about using shady tactics just to gather numbers.

Implementing effective SEO strategies, solving indexing issues, mobile optimization, creating great content, and building quality backlinks are the keys to online visibility and attracting potential clients. If you’re ready to start improving your law firm’s website, these are the first places you should start to grow your online expertise, authority, and credibility.

Annette Chotey, Esq. He graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the founder Law feather, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and individual law firms. Annette wrote the best-selling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide for Law Firmsand hosts podcasts Legal Marketing Hall. She is a keynote speaker and speaker on continuing professional education throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do stand-up and professional comedy, which isn’t much different from the legal field if we’re all honest. Annette can be found on linkedin or in


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