
How Your Law Firm Can Get the Most Out of HubSpot: 35 Tips – Updated April 12, 2023 | Good2b is social


HubSpot is a great tool that can make a huge impact on your law firm’s digital marketing. Our customers license the platform and then ask us to help them use it effectively. Here are 35 tips for getting the most out of your law firm’s HubSpot investment.

Why Hoopspot?

Having a strong customer relationship management system is essential to legal marketing and one of the simplest investments a company can make to differentiate itself from the competition. We’ve worked with many law firms and law firms and seen how an investment in HubSpot has revolutionized their business development efforts. With HubSpot, legal marketers can host a large list of contacts, send emails, post to social media, track sales meetings and emails, create landing pages and pop-up forms, track their ads, analyze their efforts, and much more. No other customer relationship management (CRM) system on the market offers such powerful capabilities and customizable plans.

As a HubSpot Gold Partner, we’ve seen firsthand how HubSpot has revolutionized the marketing efforts of many companies. These 35 tips should help you see the value of HubSpot if you haven’t already or take your marketing to the next level if you’ve already purchased HubSpot.

1. Verify real email addresses using automated follow-up emails

Sometimes people don’t provide their real email addresses in the forms. To make sure your list is correct, set up an auto-reply email (such as “Thank you”), then see if that email bounces. Then eliminate whatever it did. You can do this by creating a workflow that is triggered by signup.

2. Use the customer’s personal questions in the forms

If you have client personas Yes, try using HubSpot’s form fields and workflows to automatically assign a contact persona. Include qualifying questions such as, “What are your biggest legal concerns?” Then automatically assign them a customer persona for future marketing.

3. Remove the navigation on landing pages

Good practice is revision landing pages Then remove any opportunities for the user to click off the page.

4. Direct to thank you pages instead of popups

If someone takes the time to download your latest white paper or register on your profile the newsShow them you appreciate it by taking them to a dedicated page instead of a simple popup. An added benefit is that you can use this page to provide additional resources or information.

5. Use smart calls to action with smart content to show more relevant messages

Smart CTAs change based on who is viewing the item. You can set this up based on personality, life cycle stage, or other factors that you think are important. Make the most of this capability by taking the time to set up your Smart CTA and content.

6. Make sure your CRM systems are up to date

Customer relationship management It’s great for managing relationships and contact information, but it can’t streamline your marketing efforts if you don’t set up workflows and make sure they’re working properly. For example, you can set up workflows to automatically update contact information while qualifying leads. The more work that can happen in the background without the manual effort of your employees, the better!

7. Use branching logic

Branching logic in workflows allows you to decide whether or not an action should be run based on certain criteria that are met. This means that if a contact has already downloaded a file ebook, you can set up a workflow to make sure the next time your contact sends something new. This is key to lead nurturing sequences and can really improve the quality of your leads overall.

8. Test multiple calls to action

A powerful digital experience delivers more than just “Contact Us” calls to action. Use different calls to action to move people through the sales cycle. But which one is better? You will have to try a few and then check the performance like views or conversions.

9. Improved messaging on social media posts

HubSpot will allow you to analyze every single post across social media platforms. This is the best way to find out what works and what doesn’t.

10. Progressive profiling makes actions more important

Forms are incredibly important when it comes to Take care of the opportunity. Using HubSpot’s Queue Useful Fields can ensure that any form fields the contact has already answered are replaced with different fields. If someone has already filled out a specific form, HubSpot can set it up automatically so that it sends different information the next time they access the form.

11. Prepare reports

With the reporting add-on, you can easily create custom reports or take a look at the templates HubSpot provides. These reports provide a detailed view of your marketing performance across channels. You can also customize the view of your dashboard so that all of your favorite reports are in one place. Simply go to the Reports tab and switch to Control Panel.

12. Develop personal and team-level filters for contact management

Help your teams focus on the leads that matter most by pre-filtering the data. You can use marketing lists and filter data within the Sales Contacts, Company, and Deals views to make the best use of time and information.

13. Help people book appointments when appropriate

the HubSpot meeting tool It can make scheduling meetings easy, eliminating back and forth emails. The HubSpot Meetings tool reads your calendar, determines your availability, and lets potential clients pick the time.

14. Record your leads

HubSpot offers a key recording tool to make this process easier. By assigning values ​​to behavior and other information provided by your contacts, you can separate good leads from non-engaged ones.

15. Use lead flows for more on-page conversions

HubSpot’s Lead Streams tool allows you to create content or other elements that help your visitors convert at the right time. You can use specific triggers to determine when a popup, prompt, or form appears to the website viewer. For example; Things like how long he’s been on the page.

16. Monitor competition

HubSpot is great for tracking your keywords and conversions, but you can also check what you’ve got competitors they do. Use the Competitor Reports portal to understand metrics like keyword rankings, followers, etc.

17. Call directly from the CRM

You can use this strategy for quick access to notes and also ensure that the call is recorded.

18. Call your contacts at the best time

Research has shown that the best time to contact someone who has filled out a form is within 5 minutes of doing so. Get automated alerts on form submissions and make sure your sales force gets in touch with people right away.

19. Create tasks for users

Build a list of tasks that need to be done right within your HubSpot CRM system. This can be really helpful for your business development team. I just got to the Sales tab and then Tasks. From there you can easily create tasks and assign them to your users.

20. Merge duplicate contacts

Before starting the deletion process, try to merge the duplicate contacts. For example, combine contact information for people who have entered their personal email as well as their work email on different occasions.

21. A/B test emails

HubSpot lets you do this automatically A/B test emails. Gone are the days when you have to manually send two different emails to your lists. Now you can do it with ease with just a click of a button.

22. Register contacts in lists using workflows

Let’s say you want to create segmented lists. You can create workflow Where you set the operator as any population you wish to segment. This launcher will automatically register the contacts that meet this goal in the list.

23. Personalize emails

personalization It has been shown to help improve conversion rates. Try adding the personalization to the email subject lines or in your email copy. You can do this by adding the personalization code. Try something like the user’s first name or company name.

24. Delete unshared contacts

You should always try to re-engage users with a domain Re-engagement campaign, but if all else fails, you can easily delete unshared contacts. Just go to Contacts and add a filter based on the last post date. From there, it’s easy to do a mass delete.

25. Improve your bounce rate with popups

You can improve your bounce rate by setting Popup forms that depend on the exit intent. This will help move your users into the marketing funnel and help you generate more leads.

26. Track URLs

have you used UTM codes before? UTM codes are codes that you can put in URLs so you can track where your conversions are coming from. This is useful when you’re leveraging different channels or if you have more than one person promoting a landing page. Go to Settings > Analytics Tracking > Track URLs.

27. Assign contacts

You can easily assign contacts to the members of your team who are working on them Convert potential customers And take them to the bottom of the tunnel. Simply go to Contacts, select any contacts you want to assign, and press the Set button on the top panel.

28. Email drip campaigns

We always recommend that companies contact users again after they’ve interacted with your company, whether that’s by signing up, attending an event, or some other action. that Email drip campaign An automated series of emails sent over a longer period of time that aims to slowly move users down the funnel over time. Go to Automation > Workflows, and create an empty workflow. You can set a trigger such as filling out a form and then set up the workflow so that your marketing email thread is sent over a period of time. Just be sure to add a few days’ interval between each submission.

29. Email reminder

You can send automatic email reminders to people who have scheduled meetings. It can be set by selecting “Send reminder emails to potential clients who book meetings through this link”. When editing a meeting.

30. Build a social media calendar

You can schedule Social media Posts up front at best times By taking HubSpot’s suggestions based on your previous posts. Then, you can switch to the calendar view to easily see the value of your social media posts during your month.

31. Track Campaigns Easily

You can create campaigns by going to the Marketing tab and clicking on Campaigns. From there, you can easily add any assets to the campaign in this tab or when the asset is created or modified. Add relevant social media posts, landing pages, ads, emails, tracking URLs, etc.

32. Upload Lists

You can easily load lists from Excel/ Sheet/ Documents by pressing Import Lists. Just make sure you’ve got this list approved by your users and you’re ready to go.

33. Track sales emails

Easily track sales emails you create outside of the HubSpot platform. You just need to install the HubSpot Sales Chrome extension. These emails will be located under the Activity tab of the contact.

34. View source analysis

You can easily see which channels are attracting the most contacts with the New Contacts by Source report.

35. Schedule blog posts in advance

You can schedule your blog posts in advance so you don’t have to worry about this.


HubSpot is an incredibly powerful platform that can speed up all of your digital marketing efforts. However, it may take some time to learn all the tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your license.

As a Gold HubSpot Partner, we are well versed in helping law firms and law firms set up HubSpot and leverage the platform to its full potential.

This post has been edited and republished as of December 14, 2021.


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