How to build an SEO in a new website from the ground up


Launching a new website is one of the company’s most exciting projects. During these projects, all the participants were obsessed with the smallest details as if their lives depended on it.

Colours, logos, fonts, images – no stone is left unturned, excludes stone that he has Search Engine Optimization under it. Oftentimes, SEO is the team not allowed in the room.

After the big launch, everyone expects traffic to magically appear. When that doesn’t happen, they have to spend more money to fix the SEO problem.

Building an SEO from the ground up in a website is less expensive and gets results faster compared to trying to install it as an afterthought.

This article explains the three stages of launching a website and how SEO should play a role in each stage:

  • Strategy phase
  • construction phase
  • launch phase

If your company is launching a new website and you want to champion SEO during the process, read on.

3 stages of website launch

The first stage: the strategy stage

In the strategy phase, teams discuss how the site will look and function.

While others debate whether a website should have black and white or color images, your job is to lay the groundwork for SEO.

The best way to do this is through the following key tasks that will influence how designers and developers create the site:

  • Keyword search
  • SEO silo

Keyword search

Keyword search It helps you align your website content with the queries that your target audience uses when they are looking for what you have to offer.

What role does this play in the new site?

The keyword research you do during the planning phase will affect the content that appears on your website at launch. For example, it can help build site navigation and see what topics it will be.

You will have the opportunity to engage the team during this stage by asking them questions to create an initial list of keywords, such as:

  • What are the main topics your website should be relevant to?
  • What would you search for in a search engine if you were looking for what we offer?
  • How does our audience describe what we offer?
  • What problems do our products or services solve? What would someone look for if they had these problems?

You should have a nice list after exploring these questions (and maybe more). Then you must do the difficult task of optimizing your keyword list with the right SEO tools.

Once you’ve finished optimizing the menu, you can see more clearly what the main navigation will look like. And I’ll go over what to do next in the SEO silo.

SEO silo

An SEO silo helps organize the content and links on a website. Some of the SEO silo goals include:

  • Help users navigate the site easily.
  • Maximize your site’s relevance for important keywords, thus helping with page rank.
  • Build your site’s expertise and authority on a topic.

By researching keywords, you can simulate the structure of the site that will support those keywords with the content.

how? I’m going to use a fictional power tool site as an example of how I can design a site using keyword research.

If you run a power tool business that sells cordless power tools, electric power tools, and gas-powered tools, a keyword search will likely show that you want to search for key terms like “cordless power tools,” “electric power tools,” and “electric power tools.” Gas powered tools”, among others.

When you create site navigation for website designers and developers (yes, you should be in on this!), you’ll show how the site navigation and content will support those keywords.

Below is a graphic showing the landing pages and sub-pages that will be developed on the Power Tools website. The pages will contain content supporting the primary keywords.

An example of an SEO silo.

An SEO silo takes things further and indicates how these pages are linked.

The second stage: the construction stage

When you move away from the strategy phase and into the construction phase, the designers/developers create the site.

This is usually the longest phase of a website launch, and it’s another time when it’s your job to make sure everyone is thinking about SEO.

There are three main areas of concern:

  • The technical side of the site.
  • Develop content on the site.
  • On-page optimization of the site.

Technical aspects

Many website designers and developers are not well versed in SEO. So they can mistakenly create a site that works against the search engine’s ability to Crawl and understand a website.

Not only that, but you can create pages that don’t offer the best user experience. Many website publishers want to keep Google Page Experience Refresh in mind as they optimize their pages.

Before they start their work, make sure your designers/developers are on the same page with them SEO friendly web design..

Have discussions about how the site can:

  • To be easily accessible and crawlable for search engines.
  • Ensure that people using all kinds of devices can access the site easily.
  • Have web pages that are easy to interact with (links, buttons, pop-ups, etc.).
  • Be fast and safe.

The people building the site should keep in mind the following SEO friendly design principles:

  • clean code
  • fast site
  • Ease of use of the mobile phone
  • Basic web biomarkers
  • Avoid annoying pop-ups
  • HTTPS implementation

Google has information on many of these topics at Google for developers.


content It is one of the most important SEO tasks when launching a website.

Google wants to rank High quality content in their search engines. And since you’re competing with millions of other sites, this part should be important.

As the person who advocates for SEO, you need to make sure that every landing page and subpage is filled with high-quality, useful content.

As you create your content, ask questions like:

  • Will the necessary content be generated experience and expertise to the topic?
  • Is your website/brand positioning itself as an authority on this topic?
  • Can people trust you?
  • Do you answer the question better than your competitors?
  • Do you include data from the search results such as “People ask too And Searches related to In addition to joint processing common questions?
  • Do you include original research, data, opinions, and images?
  • Do you fact-check and cite quality and relevant resources?
  • Do you write with a high degree of accuracy when discussing?your money or your life” Threads?

For more, see Google:

I dig deeper. How to survive a major Google update and get out on top.

to improve

Once the pages are created and the content is in place, the next step is to optimize each page as best you can.

There is no one-size-fits-all checklist here, but some of the most important techniques to consider on the page are:

  • readability: Is your content written at the appropriate grade level for the audience and topic?
  • meta tags: Does each of your webpages have original and compelling title tags and meta descriptions with the correct character count, including your keywords?
  • Title tags: Are the heading tags on web pages formatted correctly, in the correct sequence? (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)
  • Keyword optimization: Can you tweak the content with keywords to improve page relevancy, even a little bit more?
  • Image optimization: Are the images on the page optimized so that you have more chances to drive traffic through images in search results?
  • Alt text: Have you included alt text on images for the visually impaired?
  • a plan: What opportunities do you have to make the topic of the page clear to search engines, as well as to improve your search engine results listings? be seen for more.
  • Other structured data: Did you format the page to make it easier for search engines and people to understand the content? (TOC, tables, bulleted lists, etc.)
  • Links: Are your links fully qualified? Absolute links may require more work up front but are easier to maintain in the long run.

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The third stage: the launch stage

It’s time and the pressure is on.

The launch phase should go smoothly if everything was done well before it. However, there are still some important SEO tasks in the pre-launch and launch phases.

Before lunch

Before operating the site, perform the following tasks:

  • Accessibility: Crawl the website with an SEO tool to see if there are any errors.
  • Analytics: Ensure that Google Analytics and Google Search Console are configured correctly.
  • idiomatic: Make sure things like your XML sitemap, HTML sitemap, and robots.txt are set up correctly.


Launch day is an exciting time for all involved. In terms of SEO, this stage is about monitoring and responding accordingly.

Look for things like:

  • Technical errors: Using SEO tools, monitor the site for technical issues.
  • Indexing problems: It may take a few days or weeks for the site to be fully indexed, but be sure to keep an eye out for any indexing issues that may arise.

After launching, remember that SEO will never end – it will only age and change.

As long as you have competition, and as long as Google is making changes to search, you will need an SEO strategy for your website.

Start strong with your new site

With more competition now than ever in search results, integrating SEO into a new website from the ground up gives you a better chance of performing.

The earlier you can start driving traffic, the better – every day counts as you work to get ahead of your competition.

If you’re part of a website launch team, make sure everyone thinks about SEO at every stage, including the strategy, creation, and launch phases, by following the guidelines in this article.

Dig deeper: SEO during website development and post-launch: Essential considerations

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and are not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.


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