
Honestly, how does a blog help a law firm?


Small law firms

There has been a huge rise in blogging over the years. According to research, approximately 70 million blog posts per month are published by WordPress users alone. In the end, it is safe to say that blogging is still the primary way for people to receive their information online, and a way for companies to showcase their expertise and authority. Blogging is a great way for many businesses, including law firms, to drive traffic to their websites. Consider how you can leverage blogging to showcase your credibility and expertise in your specific legal field to potential clients and Google.

Marketing law firms

Every profession has its own unique marketing plan, and the law is no different. Law firm marketing is a set of marketing strategies that can help law firms attract new clients. The more familiar you are with law firm marketing, the easier it will be for you to communicate with your clients online. One of the most effective ways to market law firms is to develop powerful content marketing. Content marketing involves using written content like legal blogs to establish your authority.

legal blogs
Law blogs create blog posts centered around a specific area of ​​practice. Many topics can be discussed through legal blogs from specific questions to understanding the entire field of legal practice. Blogging can help your law firm by building trust with your clients, keeping you engaged with your existing clients, increasing search engine rankings, solving your client’s legal issues, and more.

Build trust with your customers
Your clients may not be familiar with your particular practice area. Your legal blog posts can help educate them about this topic and boost your credibility at the same time.

Maintain your interaction with your existing customers
The more consistently you place content on your website, the more engaged you’ll be able to stay with your existing customers. Your blog posts are a great way to remind your existing clients of your legal services without going after them. Providing consistent content also shows Google that you are a trustworthy authority in your area of ​​legal expertise.

Increase search engine rankings

Many websites like to use SEO tactics to be the top search result on the search engine results page. The content you write on your website can help increase your search engine rankings and possibly lead to more customers.

Solve your client’s legal problems
Your clients may have questions about the legal process. Your blog posts can answer your customer’s questions and provide value to them. When your potential clients are ready to seek legal services, they will remember to come to you based on the answers you provided in your blog posts.

How to write the best legal blogs
Here are some ways you can put blogging to work for your law firm.

Think of content ideas
First, make a list of blog topics that are relevant to your customers. One of the best ways to come up with content ideas is to focus them around your practice areas and common questions that your new potential clients usually ask.

To help your website rank high in search engines, you’ll need to include keywords that your potential customers will use. The keywords you use should be relevant to your customer’s questions. Consider searching for your topics on Google or investing in a keyword tool to help you identify the best keywords for your content that will best reach your target audience.

Keyword research tools
Fortunately, keyword research tools can help you narrow down the most popular words and phrases. You can search for the best keyword research tools on Google, and use keyword research tools like SEMRush, KW Finder, Ubersuggest, or Keywords Everywhere. You may also consider working with a digital marketing agency that specializes in legal content.

Create a content strategy for your law firm
Besides the topics you choose for your blog, consistency will play a huge role in increasing your search rankings on Google. The more consistently you blog about a particular topic, the more your website will rank in search engine results. You will need to create a workable schedule in which you can upload your blog posts consistently. If you need to, create a content calendar where you can decide how many blog posts to publish on your website per week or per month. The more structured your content strategy, the easier it will be for you to publish your blog posts on your law firm’s website.

Focus on relevant content
There is a lot of content you can blog about on your website. In addition to areas of practice, you can write about legal procedures, how clients can interact with insurance companies and the latest updates on new laws. When you write blogs centered around relevant content, your potential customers are more likely to be interested in reading it. Think about what topics your customers will be interested in reading when considering your blog topics. Even if the topics center around your practice area, address what you think your clients should know about your practice.

Promote your content
You can use your social media platforms to expose more clients to your law firm’s blogs. Your social media posts can be used to increase awareness of the content on your website. Submitting your blog posts on your social media platforms can help you reach a wider range of potential clients and keep your law firm consistently top of mind.

Next steps for digital marketing
One of the best ways to improve your law firm’s website ranking in search engines is to publish content regularly via a blog. Blog content can make a huge difference in showing potential clients your experience in your specific field of practice. Posting static content also shows Google that you are a trustworthy source that deserves to be at the top of the search engines.

Annette Chotey, Esq. He graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the founder Law Feather, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and individual law firms. Annette wrote the best-selling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide for Law Firmsand hosts podcasts Legal Marketing Hall. She is a keynote speaker and speaker on continuing professional education throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do stand-up and professional comedy, which isn’t much different from the legal field if we’re all honest. Annette can be found on linkedin or in


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