Google updates PageSpeed ​​Insights with Lighthouse 11


Google has updated PageSpeed ​​Insights with a new version of Lighthouse. The new version contains new audits, bug fixes, and registry changes.

Lighthouse 11

Lighthouse is an open source benchmarking tool that helps debug website performance issues.

It’s also the technology that powers PageSpeed ​​Insights and other tools that measure essential web vitals.

Google released the latest version, Lighthouse 11, on Monday, August 28th.

Changes to Lighthouse 11/PageSpeed ​​Insights

There are many changes made.

It is worth noting the following changes and additions:

  • New accessibility audits
  • change to How to record best practices
  • Fixed the biggest content scoring bug
  • Interaction with Next Paint (INP) has been updated to reflect that it is no longer experimental
  • Multiple miscellaneous bug fixes

Interaction with next paint (INP)

Interact with the next paint (INP) is a new metric that measures the interaction of an entire web page.

It was previously a beta metric but in May this year Google removed it from beta and it is set to become an official web metric in 2024.

The change in Lighthouse 11 officially reflects that the INP is no longer in beta.

The biggest paint registration (LCP) bug has been fixed.

The LCP diagnostic feedback showed a registry error, a bug introduced in Lighthouse 10.2.0.

According to the github site Error report:

“Biggest Content Painting Item – WRONG!” It appears on all websites, including your own (

There seems to be a bug in the latest version of Lighthouse (Lighthouse 10.2.0) when using PageSpeed ​​Insights.”

Screenshot of the PageSpeed ​​Insights error

Google updates PageSpeed ​​Insights with Lighthouse 11

Accessibility audits

Website accessibility is not currently a ranking factor and is very likely not an indication of quality.

However, it is a best practice for a website to function properly for as many people as possible.

It’s good for society and ultimately it’s also good for the bottom line.

Lighthouse 11 introduces thirteen new accessibility audits:

  1. Song allowed role
  2. Song dialogue name
  3. song text
  4. html-xml-lang-mismatch
  5. redundant image-alt
  6. Enter button name
  7. Label content name mismatch
  8. Link in the text block
  9. Select the name
  10. Skip link
  11. Table – duplicate name
  12. Schedule – dummy caption
  13. td – contains the header

The allowed role of the song

the Song allowed rolein simple terms, is the name of a set of labels that help people using assistive technologies interact with a web page.

For example, a well known teacher The role defines the purpose of the semantic element.

Mozilla Historical role reference page He explains:

“A landmark is a role just for a section of content that is important enough that users will likely want to be able to navigate to the section easily and include it in the dynamically generated page summary.

Landmarks allow assistive technologies to quickly navigate and find content.

Redundant image, alternative

image-redundant-alt is a check for redundant alt text because it is placed next to text that says the same thing.

An example of repetition is when the alt text for the button says “Click here” and the text itself (Click here) is below the button.

The screen reader will read the alt text and the text, click here, click here.

Lighthouse update 11

This update contains several important changes to PageSpeed ​​Insights and points the way to even bigger changes coming in 2024.

Read the official announcements

The official announcements are spread across multiple pages, including dozens of bug reports on GitHub.

Here are two good starting points for reading all the details:

What’s new in Lighthouse 11

Lighthouse 11 release notes

Featured image via Shutterstock/Overearth


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