Business law

Generative AI is coming to your desk. Here’s how to prepare


Generative AI has more potential to transform the workforce than almost any technological innovation since the inception of the Internet. It is being used to change how companies get work done efficiently and effectively.

What’s more, employees are excited to use it. PricewaterhouseCoopers Company Survey of global hopes and fears for 2023 It shows that 52% of the participants have identified at least one way that generative AI would positively impact their work. Smart companies apply generative AI in a variety of ways in their workforce. Transforming work and automating routine, non-value-adding tasks can free workers from taking a human-led, technology-driven approach to achieving business goals.

What is changing?

Generative AI tools can improve the employee experience, for example, by transforming systems used to change 401(k) and benefit-related programs. Instead of navigating a maze of confusing menus, employees can ask for exactly what they want, and these programs can successfully fulfill their requests.

Generative AI also has the potential to help employees focus on strategic rather than repetitive tasks. Content creation, project management, information analysis, and more time-consuming tasks can be redirected through generative AI tools, freeing employees to focus on improving skills, increasing impact, and handling their workload more efficiently.

Of course, generative AI is by no means infallible; It can produce incorrect results. They can also be susceptible to biases, especially existing large language models which can be affected by the biases of the content they are trained on.

There are technologies and governance we can use to help mitigate these risks for companies that use generative AI. We maintain that generative AI is used to help people, and that people are ultimately responsible for the quality of work and decisions.

Human ingenuity and critical thinking must be used to confirm the quality of generative AI inferences. Since the technology is still in its infancy, particularly as a business tool, human supervision is essential for thoughtful implementation.

What does not change

Generative AI complements and assists many jobs and frees workers from time-consuming, repetitive tasks. First, many companies plan to strategically implement generative AI and large language models to proactively address privacy challenges and better prepare their workforce.

Second, generative AI can be used effectively as an augmentation tool. It can ingest large amounts of data and provide summaries, but ultimately aims to help people perform analysis and recommend decisions. It does not replace holding people accountable for results and decisions.

Moreover, generative AI is already creating new jobs, including the spot engineer, someone who is skilled at optimizing the requests of generative AI tasks. In the coming years, we will see many more jobs designed around using, managing, and transforming generative AI in responsible ways.

Like many new technologies, its potential effects can cause fear. However, as generative AI becomes more familiar with, and becomes a regular part of life, people will see the benefits in their lives and work.

how to prepare

Generative AI will soon become a staple across many industries, and to enable implementation that is not only effective but can improve the workplace, companies must prepare now.

First, companies can create a creative AI governance team. This group will be tasked with understanding how generative AI affects their business and their industry as a whole, and considering the intended and unintended consequences. They can also set generative AI policies.

Similar to an HR policy, the Guide to the Responsible Use of Generative AI can set expectations and limits for the use of technology in the workplace, giving employees confidence in how generative AI is being implemented.

Once policy is in place, generative AI can be adapted to help drive business outcomes. Companies must manage and prioritize where they focus on generative AI solutions based on business objectives and ensure that necessary regulations are followed. Herein lies the importance of human supervision and understanding.

To pave the way for effective deployment, industry leaders are upskilling their people on the transformative power of the responsible use of AI, so they understand the required tools and skills needed to take advantage of this technology now and as it evolves into the future. The goal is to augment the workforce, elevate their work, automate tasks, and provide data and insights. The skill improvement modules will include a variety of learning modalities and play strategies to promote engagement and adoption.

Deploying generative AI is not the end of the road. Like any tool, it will get better as the underlying technology evolves. Through careful and thoughtful implementation, this paradigm changer will benefit companies and employees alike.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bloomberg Industry Group, Inc., publisher of Bloomberg Law and Bloomberg Tax, or its owners.

Author info

Anthony Apatello He leads the Workforce Transformation business at PricewaterhouseCoopers, providing HR transformation, talent strategy, change management, organizational development, and rewards services to CEOs and HR managers across sectors and functions.

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