
Divorce and the power of social media


Divorce and the power of social media

A lot of times people turn to their social media platforms as a way to inform and communicate every idea, usually, at the moment the ideas happen.

This can be a slippery slope when you are in the middle of the divorce process.

Your emotions may run high And a social media site might seem like the perfect place to make a cold comment about your soon-to-be ex. The truth is, divorce is hard enough without social media as a “go-to” way to purge your frustrations and heartbreak.

The result is then having to deal with the cost of this explosion, emotionally and possibly financially.

Consequences of posting on social media during a divorce

If you post anything that offends your soon-to-be ex, it could cost you in more ways than one.

Don’t make yourself vulnerable. A worthwhile attorney will use your words or your friends’ words against you when you’re in the middle of settling things like spousal support, child support, and custody. Don’t make yourself vulnerable.

Think before you post! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and even dating sites are the latest tools many lawyers are using, especially since so much personal stuff is being shared. Social media is also being used more often now in identification Division of marital assets, child support, alimonyand nursery.

If you’re seeking spousal support on the grounds of poverty, refrain from posting pictures of your recent lavish vacation with friends in Hawaii. You can be sure that your soon-to-be ex-spouse attorney will use these photos against you and cite a reversal of your alleged poverty.

This will affect the amount the judge may decide. If you have to post, we suggest posting a normal day at the beach or any other normal activity you might have done that day. The perception when posting a lavish vacation or expense is that you are hiding assets that the other spouse does not know about.

So you subject yourself to more scrutiny. In addition, any content a friend or relative might post could make you vulnerable to further scrutiny.

Nothing is off limits.

What divorce lawyers are looking for on social media

So what is a divorce attorney really looking for in social media posts, emails, phone records, etc.?

They are looking for any evidence that you are not being honest. And when they succeed in exposing any lies or misrepresentations, it almost always leads to the final outcome of the divorce settlement.

In other words, be careful what you spread to the world through electronic communications. Once something exists, it exists forever.

According to the National Law Review, 81% of divorce attorneys have found evidence via social media worth presenting in court. And 66% of divorce cases use Facebook as one of the primary sources of evidence. Beware! 1 out of 3 legal proceedings in divorce cases is caused by social media.

Take a break from social media At this time not only is it easier on your emotions; This may be the wisest thing to do when you are in the midst of negotiating your divorce agreement. As a precaution, we suggest that you reach an agreement at the time of separation, to include a personal “social media” clause.

This means that both parties agree not to post on Facebook, tweet on Twitter or any other social networking sites. Protect your safety as well as your wallet.

If you are Angry at your soon-to-be ex-husband for leaving youGo talk to a therapist and work through your feelings in a confidential and supportive environment. One that will lead to recovery. Seeking help from a licensed psychologist will lead you to a better space for letting go of any sadness, anger, fear, or grief.

Being in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment will allow you to process what happened and feel heard in a healthy way.


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