Estate planning

A great time to plan ahead


With the New Year upon us, there is no better time than now to think about your future. Everyone wants to know that their legacy is secured for their families and that their health care will be well managed in their later years, but how many of us have actually taken steps to make sure that happens?

The numbers are depressing. A recent survey by showed that, as in the year before and the year before, only about a third of Americans have an estate plan. In the Orthodox community, we know that there is a necessity to not only have an estate plan, but also to create a valid kosher plan while still achieving your goals. The new year is a great time to start taking action on your estate planning.

My family will take care of it

We hear this response often, and of course our families are there to help us as we grow older and to wind up our affairs when we die, but estate planning is not about removing your family from the equation, it is about giving them the help and guidance they need to pursue your desires.

We’ve discussed this in previous articles, but it bears repeating. A good real estate plan is not just about the distribution of assets, but will contain several documents each serving a different purpose:

Last will and/or living trust. This document explains how you want your wealth distributed after your death, as well as the names of the people in your life who will play important roles in the winding down of your affairs.

to delegate. These documents allow someone to act on your behalf, whether that means making financial decisions or discussing treatment options with your medical team.

living well. This document describes your treatment preferences and explains all Sharia requirements in this regard.

In addition to these basic documents, a good estate plan will contain some additional documents such as probate papers and HIPAA authorization. When everything is complete, you’ll be able to rest assured that no matter what the future holds, you and your family are prepared.

How can Rosenbloom’s Law help? At Rosenblum Law, it is our mission to help you complete your Halachic estate plan. To achieve this goal, we have worked tirelessly to develop a convenient and straightforward process for our customers. We’ll guide you every step of the way and be there to answer any questions and design an estate plan that meets all your needs, all for an affordable, flat fee.

*New Year’s Special* Call or email us to book your consultation during the month of September and we will offer you a $100 discount on any estate plan we create on your behalf.

Rabbi Adam (Chanania) Rosenblum, Esq. He is the founding attorney and principal of Rosenblum Law, which has provided more than two decades of legal service to the community at large.

In addition to his work as director of Rosenblum Law, he is involved in a number of volunteer and charitable endeavors, including mentoring, giving weekly Torah lessons, and running educational trips for Jewish outreach organizations.


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