
4 Instagram Accounts for Law Firms Doing It Right | Good2b is social


(Author: Noreen Fishman)

Instagram It is one of the leading social media platforms worldwide, however, due to its focus on consumer marketing and its young audience, many legal marketers are reluctant to devote time to the platform.

If the past few years of marketing have proven anything, it’s that having a social media strategy that fails to catch on across major platforms can damage credibility and trust. Users often go to their preferred social media platform first when searching for organizations they want to work with. Imagine what kind of first impression you make if a user comes across a completely inactive social page.

Last year we surveyed and ranked the top 200 law firms in America (as rated by American Attorney) in terms of their use and adoption of social media to extend thought leadership messages in our annual report. Social law firms index. In this post, we take a look at 4 Instagram accounts affiliated with law firms that are doing it right.

If you’d like some inspiration on how your law firm can update its Instagram strategy, please check out these 4 accounts that model Instagram success in 2022.

1. White and caseInstagram for law firms

White & Case makes a great first impression with a well-organized and branded profile. They use branded graphics to showcase and capitalize on their highlights themes Linktree To share relevant links, including links to their other Instagram accounts. White & Case understands how to take advantage of that Market segmentation By creating different Instagram pages for different audiences, while also keeping their homepage updated. They take advantage of all the best Species of posts, including carousels, pulleys and stories. White & Case also understands that Instagram is, above all else, a highly visual platform that should focus on humanizing the company. So, it includes a lot of pictures of human beings, and most importantly, it shows their lawyers’ professional and personal lives reels.

2. DLA Piper

DLA Piper understands that Instagram It’s not about overly promotional content, it’s about sharing company culture. DLA Piper is quick to share photos of the most recent events it hosted and attended, featuring photos of its employees. They also focus their story content on providing valuable information to their audience. They often answer questions in their stories about related topics. They also use stories To showcase their values, such as diversity, as they show the diverse stories of their community in the spotlight.

Insta law firm

3. PresswellInstagram for law firms

Bracewell shows that strong branding and engaging visuals are at its core Instagram for law firms. Any postings that contain Bracewell graphics instead of images are marked with similar font, formatting, style, and colors, resulting in coherence. network And this has a huge impact. Bracewell also uses strong visuals in the images it uses to showcase its highlights. Once again, Bracewell uses Linktree to easily share links, which shows that they have adjusted their strategy to be specific to Instagram. Bracewell also uses Reels to share images and information in a more intuitive and compelling way.

4. Brown Rudnick

Brown Rudnick is proof that success in social media is not achieved simply, it is achieved through consistent hard work. Brown Rudnick understands what it is public wants them and fulfill their desires by creating content about the most common cases. They are taking advantage of the latest features of Instagram by making use of Reels and Carousel Posts. Brown Rudnick too humanization their company by including images of humans. Even if they want to share a copy of the drawing, they often include the lawyer’s face to keep the posts interesting.

Rudnik brown


Finding success with Instagram for law firms can be a little different than with other platforms. But above all, these law firms show that Instagram is the perfect platform to humanize your company, showcase your culture and values, and engage with your audience in new ways.


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