
Separation after summer vacation


The long six-week summer vacation is finally coming to an end. School uniforms have been bought, school shoes polished, and new bags placed in the hall.

September is the time for new beginnings, as the school year begins and children go to new classes, or even new schools.

The start of the school year can be a turning point in relationships, as many who put up with their spouses over the long holidays reach the end of their ropes and begin to investigate divorce proceedings.

As a divorce attorney, we often see a rise in the number of people inquiring about their partner’s divorce once the kids are back in school.

Considering these in relation to the summer months, there is a lull as couples and families go on vacation and try to enjoy the (hopefully) nice weather. August tends to be a quieter month for family lawyers.

After the summer holidays, financial woes can rear their heads – especially poignant in a challenging economic climate. Not only that, but spending long periods of time together can expose cracks in a relationship. Just think of the spike in divorces post-pandemic lockdowns!

So, if you are considering separating after the summer holidays, what are the next steps?

get a divorce

Although a lot of preliminary divorce process It can be completed online. It is important to seek professional legal advice, especially when it comes to your finances.

The first stage of the divorce process is completing a Request for divorce By filling out Form D8 online or by mail. After that, you will have a 20-week cooling-off period before you can apply for the conditional order.

After another 6 weeks, you can apply for a final order to legally dissolve your marriage. However, this does not automatically sever the financial ties between you and your ex-spouse in your marriage.

Financial settlements

Money and assets must be dealt with in their own right during the divorce process, otherwise you can remain financially attached to your ex-spouse because financial obligations do not automatically end upon divorce. a approval order It must be in place to ensure that the settlement is final and enforceable.

Financial settlements can get complicated, which is why we have a network of financial advisors, pension experts, real estate, budgeting and accountants who are there to support you.

What about children?

The divorce process can be a major upheaval for children. School and other regular activities provide routine and a sense of security, so keeping this basic is vital to alleviating feelings of displacement and anxiety.

A poorly managed divorce can have long-term effects on children, possibly causing separation anxiety in younger children, or resentment and alienation in older children.

Professional and legal support is available for parents dealing with children, whether they are infants or adolescents, and for the children themselves. Information on how to manage children during a divorce can be found here here.

Divorce coaches They are extremely helpful when it comes to dealing with emotional and business decisions, and professional legal advice should be sought when considering them Baby order orders.

Divorce can be scary, so we have dedicated lawyers and professionals to help you every step of the way. Please ask for assistance to support you through this journey.

Useful Links

Watch Stowe Talks – A Beginner’s Guide to Divorce

Frequently asked questions about financial settlement

Avoid financial mistakes

Help your children understand your divorce

The impact of conflict during divorce on children


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