SEO professionals must delegate website management


SEO professionals have long expressed their dissatisfaction with platforms other than WordPress, mainly because they prefer the comprehensive SEO capabilities and customizability of WordPress.

However, this perception may be Outdated While Wix is ​​developing more powerful SEO functionality.

This debate was recently sparked by an insightful Reddit thread about why SEO pros should still be wary of Wix, with contributions from experienced marketing professionals and industry insiders like Google’s John Mueller.

Emerging Wix Developments

According to the original poster on Reddit, Wix markets itself as an easy-to-use platform designed for those with limited programming skills who want to create their own website.

Over the past few years, Wix has integrated increasing SEO functionality to meet the needs of its growing user base. So she added Generative AI tools for website design.

However, Wix’s past reputation still remains, creating a barrier for users who have unfavorable experiences with the platform.

This caution led to a preference for WordPress, a platform praised for its innate SEO capabilities and customization options.

Using the SEO features on Wix makes the platform viable for SEO.

Notably, the discussion emphasizes that although Wix has improved SEO capabilities, it is ultimately up to the user to use them effectively.

Authorization to manage the site

Instead of obsessing over the minutiae, he suggested that most people (and their clients) focus on the bigger picture by delegating website management to a dedicated team.

“The other thing (really bigger to me) is that most people at IMO shouldn’t have to run their own website or server, period.”

This, he said, mitigates risks, ensures maintenance, and frees a person to deal with technicalities that experts can handle better.

“Speed, structured data, machine learning, the Metaverse, anything the world throws at you – the platform will be able to do it for everyone, right away, and will fix it if it doesn’t work right.”

SEO professionals must stay in their own lane when it comes to website management.

“Let the pro do it, just like you *probably* are a pro when it comes to SEO.”

Yet Mueller’s view may present a challenge to those who crave control and direct influence over outcomes.

He stressed that in the year 2023, the Internet has evolved greatly, and clinging to old practices may leave one unable to adapt to future changes.

Prepare for change

Ultimately, Mueller hopes that SEO professionals will focus on staying on the cutting edge of technology.

“You should all be – and can be – on the cutting edge of technology, and that sometimes means letting the experts do their thing, just as you would be the expert on your stuff. The only constant is change, and there will be more change to come, and it will be difficult to adapt if we try to rein in it And we had to take a bigger leap.

Does “change” refer to Advances in artificial intelligence For Google search, such as the continuous development of Generative Research Experience (SGE) capabilities.? That remained to be seen.

This is also highlighted Reddit discussionThe final decision on website hosting and what to focus on lies in what SEO professionals value most.

It also emphasizes the importance of evolving with the changing dynamics of the web and keeping up with the latest developments platform developments To make informed decisions about marketing technology.

Featured image: Tada Images/Shutterstock


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