
Kim Zolciak is not a victim in her divorce from Kroe Biermann


The Big Picture

  • Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann’s financial problems only get worse, with taxes and unpaid debts piling up.
  • Kroy is trying to protect himself by filing for divorce and requesting full custody, child support and alimony.
  • Kim’s irresponsible spending and alleged gambling issues make her look like an unstable mother, who needs to change her ways before she loses her children.

Unfortunately for Kim Zolciak Berman And Kroy BermanJesus was unable to save their marriage. The couple recently filed for divorce, and things got back to bad pretty quickly for the estranged couple. Now, with the increasing news of Kim’s financial troubles, it’s starting to look like Kroy might get away with the marriage unscathed.

It’s starting to look a lot like bankruptcy for Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann

Kim and Kroy Biermann on TFP
Image via Bravo

When the couple’s divorce was first announced, Kim and Kroy were mired in some serious financial debt. In fact, their debts seem to keep piling up. First, they couldn’t pay back the $300,000 they got for their home. It was also reported that the couple owed $1 million in unpaid taxes. Crowe was also infected with A $100,000 bill from a casino in the BahamasWhich is most likely Kim’s fault, as he mentioned that she has a serious gambling problem. Kroy has made some strides in the past few months, selling enough items to cover two mortgage payments, but now things are back to square one. According to a source in reality propaganda,

He (Kim) begged to sell some of her wallets to help make the payments but she refused, saying that the wallets were hers and that she would not sell them. Ironically, she was selling her wallets, bags, daughters and other high fashion items including her infamous wig. However, he did not go Any of the money earned from selling these items to the mortgage or any other bills.

As these financial issues pile on top of one another, the The couple will likely have to file for bankruptcy.

Related: RHOA’s Kim Zolciak and Kroy Berman leave it to Jesus to save their marriage

The attempt at reconciliation between Kim Zolciak and Kroe Biermann failed

Kim and Kroy Berman WHHL
Image via Bravo

For a while, it seemed like the couple was on the mend. They began attending church together as a family, as well as spending time outside with each other. They were told that they would use their faith to repair their marriage, and they intended to do so without counsel. This apparently worked out well, as Kroy filed for divorce late last month. He appears to be done supporting Kim’s elevated lifestyle, which is a good thing, as Kim and her daughter, Brielle, are having more trouble with another credit card company. according to Us Weekly,

Kim has been sued by a debt collection company for $156,080.64, which includes interest accrued since she stopped making payments on the HSBC/SAKS credit card. The limit on the card was $115,000. Documents show that Najm’s last payment Reality TV came in September 2022 for $4,179. The card has since been restricted and cannot be used. Meanwhile, Brill is being sued by American National Express for allegedly failing to pay off a balance of $12,870.25 on the AmEx card, according to For documents obtained by Us Weekly.

Kim’s financial irresponsibility may work to Kroy’s advantage. When he filed this final petition for divorce, he also requested full custody of their four children together, as well as child support and alimony. It is possible to get all three. Kim’s notoriety as a reality star, along with her claim Gambling issues and spending habits are definitely what make Kroy Sounds like a more stable parent. Any judge considering this case will consider Croy’s request valid.

Kim needs to get her act together and stop spending money Trivial things like concert ticketsand to get her life back on track before she lost her children to Kroy.


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