How SEO agencies adapt to a world without traditional search


The way we get information on the Internet is so prepared Switching from mostly search based user experience a chatbot, or chatbot based, Powered by engines like cool google and Microsoft Bing’s partnership with OpenAI.

Falling into this dynamic are SEO agencies, who have created a niche to help brands get discovered in this current search form.

In response, many SEO agencies are adapting their tactics to prepare for this new user experience, including doing analytics on how to turn it into answers for chatbots, and retooling websites so they are most likely to be shown by bots. Chat, long-term operations experience – keywords.

“You can start to reverse engineer what sources they pull from and what might make it likely to pull from a particular source in the future,” said David Shapiro, senior vice president of acquired media at NP Digital. “It’s like SEO in the early ’90s, even before Google really tried to understand what drives those results.”

The shift in search is just one of many changes to the performance marketer’s job in the past few years. This discipline has become popular in the past two decades due to its focus on technical details and lower track results, but now privacy concerns artificial intelligence Prevent performance marketers from Exercising a great deal of control When formulating media plans.

Shown in AI search and sharpening prompts

Most people are still searching in the Google search engine. Only 14% of US adults have tried ChatGPT, according to the May Pew Research Center reconnaissance.

Shapiro said that while marketers await broader adoption, they are analyzing when and how a brand is cited by the chatbot, a service that about 10% of NP Digital’s customers have requested in the past few months.

“We notice that pages that rank first in organic search results are not necessarily the highest source in chatbot results for the search engine itself,” said Evan Finkelstein, senior director of SEO and performance content at New York Life Insurance.

One of the main tasks of SEO agencies is to fine-tune the content and metadata on websites so that search engines can pick them up. Agencies are now optimizing websites so that the AI ​​chabot’s web crawler is more likely to put website content into the chatbot’s answer.

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