Google answers a question about the “impact” of an article’s semantic HTML element


Google’s John Mueller answered a question about whether the “ARTICLE” semantic HTML element has an impact on Google search.

This is a good question because using semantic HTML is generally considered good practice.

But does it have an SEO impact on Google search?

What is an HTML element? <المادة>?

HTML element

It is a versatile HTML element that can be used to refer to separate sections of a web page.

It doesn’t necessarily tell Google and browsers that everything is within elements

Intro and concluding are articles in the way this word is generally understood.

item can be used

For article excerpts on a category page, for product descriptions, or for user-generated content such as blog comments or an individual forum post.

It can even be used as a widget.

What does the HTML element represent?

It is a single, independent content element.

the official W3C definition of an article element He is:

An article element is a complete or self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site and is, in principle, capable of being independently distributed or reused, for example in a post.

This can be a forum post, magazine or newspaper article, blog entry, user submitted comment, widget or interactive tool, or any other standalone content item.

Moreover, it can be considered an element

Redundant if used in a content area that is the main content area.

The official W3C specification also explains:

“Where the main content of a page (i.e. excluding footers, headings, navigation blocks, and sidebars) is a single, self-contained composition, that content may be tagged with an article, but it is technically redundant in this case (because it is axiomatic that the page is a single composition, It is also a single document).

This means that it is not necessary to add an element

HTML inside an HTML element
since the element
Indicates that everything within the opening and closing of this element is the main content.

But what about the SEO impact of using an element


Does the article’s HTML element affect Google?

The person asking the question wanted to know the impact of the article element on Google search.

they asked:

Does the use of the HTML tag affect

on Google?

Is it better to put product listing page content in a tag


John Mueller replied:

Not for the HTML element

No specific effect on Google search.

This is similar to many other types of HTML tags.

However, using HTML is much more than just a Google search!

Sometimes there are accessibility or semantic reasons for using a certain type of tag, so don’t just focus on SEO.

What is the benefit of using semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML is not a ranking factor.

For indexing purposes, Googlebot pays more attention to the main content of the web page because that’s the part that gets ranked.

The value of semantic HTML is to make clear the individual sections of a web page, particularly the section that constitutes the main content.

And that’s what Mueller is referring to when he says, “There’spertaining to semanticsReasons to use semantic HTML elements.

And semantic does not mean in the sense of language.

The use of the word “semantic” in the context of HTML means that these HTML elements convey meaning meaning or very for the content contained in those items.

Thus, the purpose of the content inside an element


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