5 SEO use cases for ChatGPT’s advanced data analysis plugin


Advanced Data Analysis, formerly known as Code Interpreter, is an official OpenAI plugin that uses the Python language to allow file uploading and downloading. It’s available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users as a beta feature.

This plugin is a great deal to have Search Engine Optimization Professionals. As someone who has been using Python for years to help with data analysis and automation, this basically rules over a lot of my code – but in a good way.

This allows us to leverage the latest and greatest AI technology to help us analyze large files faster.

How to access advanced data analysis on ChatGPT

Advanced data analysis in ChatGPT is only available to customers paying with ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise. (If you haven’t subscribed yet, trust me, it’s worth it!)

To get started, here are the steps to access the advanced data analysis plugin:

Step 1: Log in to ChatGPT and select Settings and trial version.

ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis - Step 1

Step 2: He chooses Beta features In the submenu and activate it Advanced data analysis. (This is also a good opportunity to activate Plugins and explore those.)

ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis - Step 2

Step 3: Start a new conversation and hover over the GPT-4 option, and you will see a menu appear with the option to select Advanced data analysis.

Advanced data analysis

Step 4: Once you select Advanced Data Analysis, you should see a plus button to the left of the input box, allowing you to upload files. From here, you’re ready to get started.

ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis - Step 4

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5 Ways to Use Advanced Data Analysis for SEO

The capabilities of this new feature are still being explored, so I encourage you to explore what you find and share it with the world.

Here are some of the ways I got immediate value from this new feature.

  • Visualize internal linking
  • Perform server log analysis
  • Define topics in keywords
  • Improved titles and meta descriptions
  • Automating redirection mapping

1. Visualize an internal link on a website

With the plugin, you can take the tracked internal link data and let the AI ​​do its work.

You can have him create visuals or even point out opportunities you’re missing out on.

Directed for use

Your file can be formatted however you like. ChatGPT is very good at interpreting column headers, but you can provide additional explanations.

Here is the recommended starting prompt.

Uploaded is an internal linking report that tracks internal links across my website. Please do the following:

1. Analyze the different columns and understand their purpose.

2. Create a chart showing additional internal linking opportunities

3. Using the Link Position column, create a relationship diagram that shows where most internal links come from

4. Create a table showing which destination links get the most and least number of inbound links

5. Create a relationship diagram that shows the relationship between anchor text and the number of times it appears as anchor text for an internal link. Please use this only for link positions that are equal to content.

6. Create a relationship diagram showing the relationship between anchor text and link position

The output should be an HTML file containing all of this information with the ability to hover over the charts and see the tooltip information.

Make sure you have uploaded your internal link file, and let it run!


When requesting multiple charts, I like that ChatGPT’s advanced data analysis exports the results in an HTML file with the ability to scroll. This makes it easy to customize screenshots for reporting.

Here are some examples of the visualizations you can get from this prompt. Heat map for interconnection

This scheme allows us to quickly identify which pages can link to other pages. The scheme is prepared as follows:

  • the sThe axis represents the destination pages.
  • the yThe axis represents the source pages.
  • Color intensity represents the number of links between pages.
ChatGPT Code Translator - Internal Linking Heatmap

This light yellow color on the right shows several spots of internal linking opportunities.

Link position distribution

This chart is relatively easy to break. It simply shows where the majority of your internal links are located.

ChatGPT Code Compiler - Link Position Parsing

I’ve tested this on my personal site, so it’s really small, which is why navigation is the majority.

On larger sites, you may want to flip this to make the content section the most link-dense.

The most common body text

This can be easily done by downloading the Screaming Frog report and running a pivot table. But it’s great to see ChatGPT being able to generate similar schemas like this one.

The most common body text

The relationship between anchor text and link position

We want to see our most valuable keywords as body text within the content section. This can help indicate that.

ChatGPT Code Translator - The relationship between anchor text and link position

2. Perform a server log analysis

There are many tools on the market to help monitor server log analysis, and many of them are free.

Using ChatGPT’s advanced data analysis allows you to transcend many of the limitations of freemium and chart creation tools.

This technique can help check how Google crawls your site and what its experience might be like.

Directed for use

Attached are the access log files from my website host. Please do the following:

1. Analyze it for traffic from any user agent that contains “google”.

2. Create a chart showing how Google crawled my site over time. Include a measure for when the result is 200 and the result is not 200.

3. Create a diagram to visualize which pages are getting the most traffic.

4. Tell me which pages get the least traffic from Google.


It hits over time

This chart helps show how often Google crawls your website over time.

Additionally, I added a class to show the status of 200 results for 200 visits. (You can ask ChatGPT to change the colors if they are too similar.)

ChatGPT code compiler - hits over time

Most successful pages

This graph shows the top 20 pages Google crawled on the site during the time period.

ChatGPT Code Translator - Most Successful Pages

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3. Identify topics in keyword research

I wrote about this before using Python for identifying keyword topics.

However, using advanced data analysis removes many complex elements and makes it much easier to use.

This process helps you quickly analyze large sets of keywords, highlight recurring themes, and even group keywords into similar topic groups.

Prompt to use

“Attached is a large list of keywords and their search volume. Please do the following:

1. Analyze all keywords.

2. Group them into thematic groups and create a visualization for presenting the results.

3. List common themes that occur throughout.

If you have several thousand keywords in your list, you may need to warn ChatGPT and have it perform error-handling actions to prevent errors related to memory limits.


I took a sample list of 6257 keywords and ran it through ChatGPT a few times. ChatGPT struggled to process the larger list due to memory limitations.

But because I gave it a heads up, it was able to set up the necessary data sets required to bypass the list. She even named the groups for me.

ChatGPT Code Compiler - Distribute keywords across groups

Dig deeper: How to use ChatGPT for keyword research (with actual prompts)

AI can be your friend if you run a large site and need to bulk optimize your title tags and meta descriptions.

Yes, doing it manually will guarantee better quality, but if you need a quick fix, this might be the solution for you.

This can help especially when you have meta titles and descriptions that may be too long or too short.

Prompt to use

Attached is a list of titles and meta descriptions that need improvement.

Please keep titles between 50-65 characters.

– Please keep meta descriptions between 150-165.

– Please create a CSV file to export the results.


ChatGPT was able to work quickly and generate an optimized CSV export for me.

ChatGPT Code Translator - Improved title tags and meta descriptions

5. Automate redirection mapping

How annoying are redirect maps? Important, yes, but very boring.

What if we could automate the process to get 60% of the way there?

By tapping into ChatGPT, we can help automate the map redirection process.

Now the big downside here is that ChatGPT can’t crawl web pages without using a plugin. At this time, we are unable to combine plug-ins with advanced data analysis.

We’ll have ChatGPT look at the hard links of the page mapping URLs to workaround this.

Prompt to use

Two lists of URLs attached. I need help creating a redirect map of old URLs to new URLs. Rely on URL hard-linking to find closest match. Lists may not be the same length. The goal is to find a matching URL for each address URL in the list of old URLs. Please export the results to a CSV file. Column A should be the old URLs and column B should contain the matching URL from the list of new URLs. Column C should contain the similarity percentage.”


ChatGPT Code Compiler - Mapping Redirection

Make your SEO analysis more visible with ChatGPT

The future looks very bright for SEO that takes advantage of artificial intelligence.

We are on the brink of a new era where artificial intelligence is not just a fancy tool but a game changer, making our tasks much easier.

Sure, we’re just getting started, but from where I’m standing, the view is pretty amazing.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.


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